The University of Vermont Alumni Magazine vol. 50 no. 04
Parent Collections - University of Vermont Alumni Publications
- The University of Vermont alumni magazine, 1957-1975
Title - The University of Vermont Alumni Magazine vol. 50 no. 04
Uniform Title - The University of Vermont alumni magazine
Creator - University of Vermont
Date Created - 1970
Subject - University of Vermont -- Alumni and alumnae -- Yearbooks.
- University of Vermont -- Students.
- Students -- Vermont -- Burlington.
Extent - 24 pages
Note [Digital Version] - 2013-10-10, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Libraries
Genre - periodicals
Type of Resource - text
Source Document Location - University of Vermont Libraries. Special Collections.
Shelf Location - QUARTO LH1.V4 V472
Publisher - University of Vermont
Place of Publication - Burlington, Vt.
Access Conditions - In Copyright
Access Conditions [Local] - For further information please contact Special Collections, University of Vermont Libraries at
Identifier [Local] - universityofvermontalumnimagazinev50n04
Language - English
Language [Code] - eng
Digital Format - image/tiff
Digital Format - Text/Color: 24 bits; 300 ppi
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