Winooski, VT - Winooski River and Mills (Panormama: 7 Photos numbered left to right)
Parent Collections - Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Title - Winooski, VT - Winooski River and Mills (Panormama: 7 Photos numbered left to right)
Photographer - McAllister, L. L. (Louis L.), 1877-1963.
Description - Undated but may be 1920s (or earlier) view of the Winooski River, its bridge and Champlain Mill in Winooski,Vt. Pre 1927 flood because the old bridge is still there. Winooski Block seen left in distance. Photo 5 of seven part panoramic view.
Extent - 1 image
Note [Digital Version] - Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Libraries
Type of Resource - still image
Source Document Location - University of Vermont Libraries. Special Collections.
Publisher - University of Vermont, Silver Special Collections Library
Date Captured - 2009-12-22
Access Conditions - In Copyright
Access Conditions [Local] - For further information please contact Special Collections, University of Vermont Libaries at
Identifier [Local] - mcalB22F31i05
Digital Format - image/tiff
Digital Format - Text/Grayscale: 8 bits; 600 ppi
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