Portraits - Unidentified Groups
Parent Collections - Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Title - Portraits - Unidentified Groups
Photographer - McAllister, L. L. (Louis L.), 1877-1963.
Date Created - 1935-1936
Description - 1935 / 1936 winter photo of a group of well-dressed, influential men standing in front of an airplane, presumably at Burlington Airport. On the left is a delivery truck owned by Railway Express Agency, which had headquarters at 111 St. Paul St., Burlington. The City Directory lists Herbert E. Fitch as agent. Also on the left: a boy with his dog that sits on top of crate with sign "Live Dog". Occasion and purpose of photo unknown. (See also mcalB15F12i13.)
Subject - Airplanes.
- Animals.
- Boys.
- Business.
- Men.
- Burlington International Airport.
- Burlington (Vt.).
Extent - 1 image
Note [Digital Version] - 2009-09-22, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Libraries
Type of Resource - still image
Source Document Location - University of Vermont Libraries. Special Collections.
Shelf Location - Louis L. McAllister Photographs, Box B16, Folder 11, Item 15
Publisher - University of Vermont, Silver Special Collections Library
Date Captured - 2009-09-22
Access Conditions - In Copyright
Access Conditions [Local] - For further information please contact Special Collections, University of Vermont Libaries at uvmsc@uvm.edu.
Identifier [Local] - mcalB16F11i15
Digital Format - image/tiff
Digital Format - Text/Grayscale: 8 bits; 600 ppi
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