Burlington Dump
Parent Collections - Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Title - Burlington Dump
Photographer - McAllister, L. L. (Louis L.), 1877-1963.
Date Created - 1944-08-03
Description - August 3, 1944. This view taken from the same position on the sand hill across from the railroad track from which the preceding view was taken shows the remaining section of the road leading from the slope on the old railroad fill known as Cat's Island. This road has all been recently improved by constructing mixed-in-place stabilized base using was crank-case oil and constructing an armor coat wearing surface with peastone and chips penetrated with HRM asphaltic emulsion. Note the Salvage Depot building where all salvageable materials are handled and processed, also the small hose house for fire protection equipment and the smoke rising from the far end of the "Island" where all unsalvageable wastes are burned daily.
Extent - 1 image
Note [Digital Version] - 2007-10-19, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Libraries
Type of Resource - still image
Source Document Location - University of Vermont Libraries. Special Collections.
Shelf Location - Louis L. McAllister Photographs, Box A2, Folder 05, Item 15
Publisher - University of Vermont, Silver Special Collections Library
Access Conditions - In Copyright
Access Conditions [Local] - For further information please contact Special Collections, University of Vermont Libraries at uvmsc@uvm.edu.
Identifier [Local] - mcalA02F05i15
Digital Format - image/tiff
Digital Format - Photographs/Color: 24 bits; 600 ppi
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