Meet the Standards
Parent Collections - Absurdities and Realities of Special Education
- Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Title - Meet the Standards
Creator - Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
Illustrator - Ruelle, Kevin.
Date Created - 1999
Description - The cartoon shows Mr. Moody (administrator) standing with a line of students behind him and a couple with a baby, Mr. and Mrs. Standard, in front of them. Mr. Moody says "Suzy, I'd like you to meet Mr. Standard, his wife, Mrs. Standard and their little baby Standard- They're new in town." The tag line reads "Confused by a state education directive, Mr. Moody arranges for every student in his school to meet the Standards."
Extent - 1 cartoon
Note [Digital Version] - 2020-11-28, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Libraries
Form - nonprojected graphic
Type of Resource - still image
Access Conditions - In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted
Access Conditions [Local] - Copyright 1999 Michael F. Giangreco
Identifier [Local] - fly099
Digital Format - image/tiff
Digital Format - Photographs/Color: 24 bits; 300 dpi
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