This diary begins with Mary Jean getting a cast on her ankle and missing out on work and student meetings in the beginning of the year. Throughout the spring she deals with women’s issues on campus, including a past student being tried by the Washington Army Board for Insubordination and a rejection by students of the Home Economics courses. Discussion of regular lectures on conduct to her female students occur in this diary. Mary Jean also details assisting her students in getting interviews for medical school and nursing positions. Throughout the year she also mentions going to YWCA events, Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Gamma Kappa meetings, and occasional events with UVM’s President Millis. In September she included an article written about a lecture she gave to students on poor morals, underage drinking, and student promiscuity. The end of Mary Jean’s year includes descriptions of the holidays, mentions of distance created by her brother John, and worry about the grave war news.
Topics in this diary include medical care and education, Vermont food, church life in Vermont, women’s issues and morals in the mid-20th century, women’s groups, and World War II.