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Showing 1 - 10 of 27 Records

Fort Ethan Allen Artillery Range (Underhill)
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    • Description: Column of tractor drawn artillery and other ordnance on road with utility poles.
    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

    Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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      • Date Created: 1942-09-30
      • Description: September 30, 1942. Photo No. 14. This view of Staniford Road construction shows the Sheep's foot roller being employed for compacting the moist pavement mixture after it has been thoroughly mixed. This type of roller compacts the pavement from the bottom up to the surface and prevents areas of insufficient compaction. The business name of Holcomb Trucking Co. seen on the back of the tractor. Work done the Burlington Street Dept.
      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

      Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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        • Date Created: 1942-10-01
        • Description: October 1, 1942. Photo No. 8. This view of Staniford Road shows the process of dry mixing the cement with the soil to a depth of six inches (6") with the aid of the Killifer Cultivator hauled by a small Allis-Chalmers Caterpillar Tractor. This view is taken from the position as No. 5. Work done by the Burlington Street Dept.
        • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

        Burlington Streets: Main Street (Upper)
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          • Description: Southeasterly view of Edmunds High School (Burlington High School) at the corner of Main Street and So. Union Street. Street crews after a heavy snow fall seen with two dept. vehicles. A chain connects a tractor with spiked wheels to a truck behind it as they clear the sidewalks. Undated (may be circa 1925) Photo also seen in UVM's Historic Burlington Project web site.
          • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

          Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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            • Description: This view of Staniford Road shows the process of mixing the base after water has been applied under pressure from the asphalt distributer. The double disc harrow is here being hauled by an Allis-Chalmers Bulldozer Tractor. The business name of Holcomb Trucking Co. appears on the back of the tractor. Work done by the Burlington Street Dept. Undated but may be 1942.
            • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

            Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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              • Date Created: 1942-10-02
              • Description: October 2, 1942. Photo No. 20. This view of Staniford Road shows the method of mixing the Soil-Cement materials in place. The 22 inch Double Disc Harrow is being hauled by the heavy Allis-Chalmers Tractor while the Killifer Spring-Tooth Harrow is being hauled by the smaller Allis-Chalmers Tractor. The combination of these two harrows does a very satisfactory job in getting the aggregate thoroughly mixed. Work done by the Burlington Street Dept.
              • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

              Burlington Streets: Hungerford Terrace
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                • Date Created: 1940
                • Description: Allis-Chalmers, Model IB Tractor with 16 HP Engine, Equipped with a Baker "V" Type Sidewalk Snow Plow. This view shows the Tractor Plow unit proceeding north on Hungerford Terrace after an 8 inch fall of snow combined with rain, which made the plowing very heavy and difficult for horse drawn equipment, but this unit did not experience any difficulties. Note: For a more detailed description see the original print.
                • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                Road Construction
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                  • Description: Undated photograph of a street grading project in preparation for paving an unidentified Burlington Street (possibly Blodgett Street).
                  • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                  Burlington Streets: Intervale
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                    • Date Created: 1946-06-29 00:00:00
                    • Description: June 29, 1946. Burlington Street Department - Burlington, Vermont Intervale Road - Asphalt Stabilized base and Armor Coat Wearing Surface This view taken from the railroad crossing looking southerly toward Riverside Ave. shows the mixing process while constructing the stabilized base using asphalt emulsion (XRM) as a binder. The materials used for aggregate on this job was road gravel hauled from the Lunderville Pit in the town of Williston last October and spread approximately 28 feet in width over the entire section from Riverside Ave. to the railroad crossing, a distance of approximately 875 feet. Note the Allis-Chalmers Power Grader mixing the gravel after the asphalt emulsion had been applied by pressure distributor. The Armor Coat Wearing Surface was constructed directly after the stabilized base had been completed. This is a very economical type of paving, especially where a cheaper grade of materials can be used and the location does not demand a higher type of pavement. Note the high embankment in the right background where several thousand cubic yards of filling was loaded by the Street Department with its power shovel and hauled with trucks to widen both sides of Intervale Road on the section between the railroad crossing and Riverside Ave. as well as the grading around the new catch basins and the filling of the ramp on the river bank where the undertile drainage pipe leads to the river. All of this filling was donated free of charge by the owner of the property (Geo. C. Stanley and Sons) to the City as well as a considerable amount of concrete sand and gravel for the construction of concrete catch basins and headwalls in connection with the drainage system. This project, which was approved for construction by the Board of Street Commissioners in June 1945 was practically completed on July 3, 1946 for the first section. The original plans included the second section from the railroad crossing northerly to a point approximately 100 feet northerly by the so-called Pariseau residence. This section was prepared last fall as to the grading and gravel surface and as no underground drainage is necessary it can be completed with very little expense as the only materials necessary to purchase will be asphalt emulsion.
                    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                    Burlington Streets: Battery Street Park
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                      • Description: ALLIS-CHALMERS, MODEL 1B TRACTOR WITH 16 HP ENGINE EQUIPPED WITH A BAKER "V" TYPE SIDEWALK SNOW PLOW NO. 281420-223V-107. This view shows the No.1 Tractor plow unit plowing snow in Battery Park. Notice the depth of the snowfall which is approximately eight inches. This equipment did not experience any difficulty in plowing this depth, although as you will note in the picture the snow had become frozen and difficult to plow with ordinary horse-drawn plows. This unit removed the snow from three routes formerly requiring the services of three horse-drawn units, the time required being approximately five to six hours depending upon the weather conditions, the gas consumption being approximately four to five gallons per trip. The total distance covered by the entire trip is approximately twenty miles. The specifications of this unit can be found on the back of the original photograph. 1938-1940
                      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs