Showing 1 - 10 of 794 Records
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- Description: Steamer "Chateaugay" (Capacity 50 cars) The largest steamer operating auto ferry service on Lake Champlain. Frequent trips between Burlington, VT., and Port Kent, NY (3 miles to Ausable Chasm)
- Parent Collections: Photographs of Vergennes (Vt.)
Ryans Store J.W. Ryan - E. Kampitz - D. Ryan L-R front of Ryans store
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- Parent Collections: Photographs of Vergennes (Vt.)
Slack Market - G. Larsen - D. LaBarge - W. Taylor uncle of G.R. and R.D. Slack
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- Description: Interior of Slack's Market
- Parent Collections: Photographs of Vergennes (Vt.)