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Showing 1 - 10 of 48 Records

Mary Jean Simpson Diary, 1928
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    • Creator: SimpsonMaryJean, 1888-1977.
    • Date Created: 1928
    • Description: The common topics of daily life include church events and sermons; entertainment activities like attending plays, movies, VT town fairs, dinner parties, and learning to golf; and spending time with family and friends. Topics of wider interest include American politics specifically, the Great Vermont Flood of 1927 and Charles Lindbergh’s Goodwill Tour; women's groups’ meetings, and automobile and train travel. Topics in this diary include early 20th century health and treatment systems; social life in Washington DC including movies, theater, and operas; American politics; and women’s groups meetings.
    • Parent Collections: Diaries

    Mary Jean Simpson Diary, 1945
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      • Creator: SimpsonMaryJean, 1888-1977.
      • Date Created: 1945
      • Description: This short diary most directly was used for schedule keeping by Mary Jean, with various women’s club meetings, Pan-Hellenic dinners, and concerts being penciled in. The summer months contain some detail on visiting friends, going to church, dinner parties, and typical yard and house chores. In May Mary Jean mentions celebrating Victory in Europe Day, and in August she describes the thrilling and sobering experience of listening to President Truman announce Japan’s surrender. This diary ends shortly after Mary Jean experiences injury from a car accident. Topics in this diary include the end of World War II, Women’s groups, social and religious life in Vermont, and Automobile accidents.
      • Parent Collections: Diaries

      Erastus Root Diary, 1815-1818
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        • Creator: Root, Erastus, 1789-1829.
        • Date Created: 1815-1818
        • Description: Erastus Root was born on January 9, 1789 to Timothy and Patience (Gleason) Barber Root in Guilford, Vt. After two years of study under the tutelage of Rev. Jason Chamberlain, Root enrolled at Williams College in 1809, before transferring to the University of Vermont in 1811 to continue studying with Chamberlain, who had been elected UVM’s Professor of Learned Languages in the interim. Root graduated from UVM with a bachelor’s degree in 1814 and spent the next three years studying medicine: he began his studies with Dr. Willard Arms of Brattleboro for a year and a half, then returned to UVM in the fall of 1815 to attend their medical lectures and continue his studies with Dr. John Pomeroy, and finally completed his studies at Dartmouth College, receiving his medical license in 1817. Root eventually moved to Boston, where he married Lucinda Jacobs on February 1, 1821. The couple had one daughter before Lucinda’s death in 1822 and Root’s death in New York on February 24, 1829. Topics in Root’s diary include UVM’s medical program in early nineteenth century, John Pomeroy, early nineteenth-century medical practices, teaching in Vermont in early nineteenth century, and modes of travel in the early nineteenth century.
        • Parent Collections: Diaries

        Cephas Kent, Jr. Diary, Undated
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          • Creator: Kent, Cephas, Jr., 1754-1813.
          • Date Created: undated
          • Description: Cephas Kent Jr. was born on April 2, 1754 in Suffield, CT (Colony) to Cephas and Hannah (Spencer) Kent. In 1773, Kent moved with his family to what later became Dorset, Vt., where his father, a deacon as well as a tavern owner, took an active role in the American and Vermont independence movements. Kent enlisted in the Continental Army during the summer of 1775 and served as an aide-de-camp on General Montgomery’s staff. His primary responsibilities included cooking and caring for the officers’ baggage, but he also participated in several skirmishes, taking up arms at decisive moments during the Siege of Fort St. Jean. On January 30, 1779, Kent married Lydia Sheldon and the couple had several children. Kent died in Dorset on January 9, 1813. The first part of Kent’s diary details his religious experiences between the ages of 12 and 21, while the remainder describes his participation in the Continental Army’s campaign into Canada in 1775, especially the Siege of Fort St. Jean (“St. Johns”).
          • Parent Collections: Diaries

          Caroline Crane Marsh Diary, January 1 - April 7, 1863
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            • Creator: Marsh, Caroline Crane, 1816-1901.
            • Date Created: 1863
            • Description: Troubles within the Church of England, the Polish Revolution, and widespread dissatisfaction with the Italian government and King Victor Emmanuel serve as the backdrop for the events in this diary. After a little more sightseeing in and around Pegli, the Marshes head to Piobesi and move into the Castello di Piobesi Torinese for the summer. Topics in this diary include Protestantism in Italy, crime in Italy, acquiring and occupying real estate in Italy, music and performance in Italy, the climate and culture in Piobesi, Italian elite’s attitudes towards liberalism, Italian social etiquette, tourism and hospitality in Italy, women’s education and occupations in the 19th century, and Italian and international attitudes towards the United States and the American Civil War.
            • Parent Collections: Caroline Crane Marsh Diaries, Vermont Diaries

            Caroline Crane Marsh Diary, January 1 - March 7, 1862
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              • Creator: Marsh, Caroline Crane, 1816-1901.
              • Date Created: 1862
              • Description: The international political climate remains unsettled in this diary: political unrest continues across Europe and war seems imminent between England and the United States in the wake of the Trent Affair. The Italian political scene, however, becomes quite turbulent during the period: demonstrations in favor of national unification break out across Italy, the Italian ministry is dissolved, Bettino Ricasoli steps down, and Urbano Rattazzi becomes the new prime minister. Throughout all of this, the Marshes stay in Turin and continue to meet Italian elites and foreign nationals, including Rosa Arbesser, governess to Princess Margherita of Savoy. They also renew their acquaintance with Hungarian exile Lajos Kossuth and his family. The Marshes attend several political and social gatherings during this period and play their part in the Doria-Benedetti feud, “the social revolt against France” by the Torinese elites. Topics in this diary include the status and problems of Italian women, the role of women in marriage and society in the 19th century, Italian marriages and the influence of the Catholic church on marriage, education in Italy, the etiquette of Italian royalty and elites, Catholicism, and the celebration of Carnival in Italy.
              • Parent Collections: Caroline Crane Marsh Diaries, Vermont Diaries

              Mary Jean Simpson Diary, 1927
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                • Creator: SimpsonMaryJean, 1888-1977.
                • Date Created: 1927
                • Description: This diary records Mary Jean’s continued work as a Bill Clerk of the Senate, helping to process the hundreds of bills passed in 1927. Mary Jean spends much of her free time going to social events, and often describes the church sermons she hears each Sunday. Mary Jean also takes a ten-day transcontinental trip through the Midwest with Senator Dale and his family after the close of Congress. Returning to Vermont for the summer and early fall, Mary Jean travels around speaking to Women’s groups, rotary clubs, attending various committee meetings, and going to town fairs. In the late fall, Mary jean returns to her work as a Bill Clerk in DC and goes to various movies, musicals, and dinners. The end of her diary is largely focused on the Great Vermont Flood of 1927 and the relief programs she is involved in aimed at supporting the state in its aftermath. The common topics of daily life include church events and sermons; entertainment activities like attending plays, movies, VT town fairs, dinner parties, and learning to golf; and spending time with family and friends. Topics of wider interest include American politics specifically, the Great Vermont Flood of 1927 and Charles Lindbergh’s Goodwill Tour; women's groups’ meetings, and automobile and train travel.
                • Parent Collections: Diaries

                Mary Jean Simpson Diary, 1941
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                  • Creator: SimpsonMaryJean, 1888-1977.
                  • Date Created: 1941
                  • Description: This diary features Mary Jean’s time as Dean of Women at UVM and details her busy work life. Visits to New York and Maine, and travel across Vermont for conferences, club meetings, and funerals are common in this diary. Mary Jean describes the busyness of UVM summer school, the convocation for UVM’s 150th year, a social work conference in Brattleboro, and attending the Women’s Student Union Association Convention. She also details the death of her Aunt Harriet, her mother’s bout with the flu, and a general sense of weariness from her constant work and travel. A note in late December marks her relief at UVM closing for winter break. Topics in this diary include automobile transportation, Women’s groups, church life including funerals and weddings, UVM’s Sesquicentennial, Social Work, and Mary Jean’s family life.
                  • Parent Collections: Diaries

                  Mary Jean Simpson Diary, 1942
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                    • Creator: SimpsonMaryJean, 1888-1977.
                    • Date Created: 1942
                    • Description: This diary most prominently features the death of Mary Jean’s mother in late February, a hugely significant figure in her life. Much of the diary discusses the loneliness that comes with the death of a parent, especially around the holiday seasons. Topics in this diary include family death, grief and faith, UVM student affairs, University requirements during World War II, and Women’s Groups. Throughout the year Mary Jean busies herself with women’s groups and student life at UVM, dealing with a student theft incident at Allen Hall, going to Delta Kappa Gamma and YWCA events, and attending meetings on Student Aid. In the absence of her mother, Mary Jean writes about spending time with her cousin Jean and Aunt Kate and expresses misery at the distance created between her and her brother, John. Peppered throughout emotional passages are mention of going to plays and concerts, attending dinners, and in one instance a Faculty Senate meeting with the War Council on student physical education requirements. Topics in this diary include family death, grief and faith, UVM student affairs, University requirements during World War II, and Women’s Groups.
                    • Parent Collections: Diaries

                    Caroline Crane Marsh Diary, July 24 - October 10, 1862
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                      • Creator: Marsh, Caroline Crane, 1816-1901.
                      • Date Created: 1862
                      • Description: Political unrest in Italy punctuates the events in this diary: Garibaldi’s failed attack on Rome (the Battle of Aspromonte) ends with his injury and surrender and the arrest of Ferenc Pulszky; demonstrations break out across Italy and martial law is declared in Sicily, and France refuses to give a definitive answer on the “Roman Question.” In the United States, President Lincoln announces that he will issue the Emancipation Proclamation in early 1863. These months prove eventful for the Marshes, as well. They move out of the Casa d’Angennes and take a trip to Switzerland, passing in and out of the Alps as they tour the country. After a quick trip to London to see his publishers, George Perkins Marsh rejoins his wife and niece in Switzerland and returns with them to Italy, stopping for a time in Como. Topics in this diary include education at Italian universities, political sentiments among Italian elites, relations between the Italian social classes, Italian etiquette, agriculture and rural industry in Italy and Switzerland, tourism and hospitality in Italy and Switzerland, Alpine avalanches, the English Colonial Society and English church services in Switzerland, the Fugitive Slave Law, and the marriage of Princess Maria Pia.
                      • Parent Collections: Caroline Crane Marsh Diaries, Vermont Diaries