Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Records
Teaching Old Logs
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows Mr. Moody standing outside with an old dog sitting to his left with a ball in it's mouth and a stack of logs in front of him. He has his hand up in the air and is exclaiming "Stay!" directed to the logs. The dog is looking at him with a question mark in a thought bubble above his head. The tag line reads, "Knowing how hard it is to effect meaningful change in people, Mr. Moody decides to work his way up to it by teaching old logs new tricks."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1998
- Description: This cartoon shows two giant snails sitting in chairs at a table with paperwork in front of each of them. The first snail says, "Those inclusive education radicals want everything yesterday. What do they expect?!" The second snail says, "I know what you mean, we've only had LRE provisions in the law since 1975!" The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Administrators at Snailville School lament the speed of change." A note on the side indicates, "Inspired by Alan Gartner and Dorothy Kerzner Lipsky with help from Melanie Giangreco."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Ants in His Pants
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1998
- Description: This cartoon shows eight panels of the same person saying each of the following statements: "We tried that before.", "I agree philosophically, but…", "It costs to much.", "Our system is too big.", "Our system is too small.", "What we do now is just fine.", "I'm sure it works well in other places, but not here.", "It's against my religion.", and "It's not within my authority." The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Exclusion + Excuses = Excluses: Common reasons for avoiding inclusive education."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Ants in His Pants
High Anxiety
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows a circus tent with a high wire stretched across the center. On one end of the wire is a platform with a sign on it with the word, "Vision" in big letters. On the other end of the wire is another platform with two men standing there. One man is holding a balancing pole with a bag of money on each end (he is nervous and says, "gulp" the other man standing behind him on the ladder says, "That's the plan. Now go for it." The Ring Master on the ground says, "...And without a net..." The tag line reads, "Unless you have the skills, it's high anxiety."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks
Fanning The Flames
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows an outdoor scene with a bridge over a gully and three people standing on it. There are two people under the bridge building a small fire. One of the people on the bridge says, "Are you warm or is it just me?" One of the people under the bridge says, "It's got to be hot, but not too hot." The tag line reads, "Fanning the flames of change: Lighting a fire under people without burning your bridges."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks
Confusion Reigns
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows a group of five educators standing out in the pouring rain. From left to right they are doing and saying the following: The first person is holding rolled up diplomas and says, "We've got the skills!" The is holding a bunch of carrots and says, "We've got the incentives." The man in the middle is holding a bag of money and says, "We've got the resources!" The next is holding a piece of paper and says, "We've got the plan!" The person on the far right is throwing his hands up in the air while saying, "But where are we headed?" The tag line reads, "Without a vision confusion reigns!"
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks
Treadmill Of Change
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows two men running on treadmills with a carrot on a stick tied to the front of the treadmills. There is a big yellow star on the wall and in the star it reads, "Vision: Great Services." The man on the treadmill on the right side of the panel is saying, "I don't get it! I can see where we're headed, we have the skills, the incentives and resources. But nothing seems to change!" The man on the treadmill on the right side of the panel says, "We need a better action plan!" The tag line reads, "The treadmill of change." The tag line on the left reads, "Inspired by Tim Knoster."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks