Showing 1 - 10 of 1453 Records
John Lester Barstow to Laura
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- Creator: Barstow, John Lester, 1832-1913.
- Date Created: 1862-05-11
- Description: Being aboard the ship “Jamis Hovey” on the Mississippi River on the way to New Orleans, the difficulty of the journey from Ship Island to New Orleans, and the initial observations upon the arrival in New Orleans.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, John Lester Barstow Correspondence
John Lester Barstow to Laura
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- Creator: Barstow, John Lester, 1832-1913.
- Date Created: 1862-12-14
- Description: General Banks supersedes General Butler, the capture of one of the rebel officers, and the dishonorable discharge of Lieutenant Day.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, John Lester Barstow Correspondence
John Lester Barstow to Father
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- Creator: Barstow, John Lester, 1832-1913.
- Date Created: 1862-12-28
- Description: Topics include the fleeing of Rebels to Texas, the destruction and loss of property near New Orleans, and Barstow’s belief that the war must not end until the Union is restored.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, John Lester Barstow Correspondence
John Lester Barstow to Laura
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- Creator: Barstow, John Lester, 1832-1913.
- Date Created: 1863-04-22
- Description: Writing laying on the ground from Opelousas La. topics include the regiment moving and having an exchange of fire with the rebels, at last receiving letters dated Feb 28th and Mar. 10th, he being a Captain must walk (not ride according to regulations), his feet now sore and blistered, the men who were wounded in this exchange, and the regiment's plan to go to the Red River to attack Port Hudson or Vicksburg, regrets the lack of writing paper and pen.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, John Lester Barstow Correspondence
Asa P. Blunt to Roswell Farnham
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- Creator: Blunt, Asa P.
- Date Created: 1862-10-13
- Description: Topics include a pass allowing Roswell Farnham to and from Washington D.C.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Roswell Farnham Correspondence
Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]
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- Creator: Farnham, Roswell, 1827-1903.
- Date Created: 1862-11-06
- Description: Topics include the possibility of Roswell Farnham being promoted to Colonel if Colonel Blunt is promoted, the potential for the regiment to move, and business from home.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Roswell Farnham Correspondence
Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]
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- Creator: Farnham, Roswell, 1827-1903.
- Date Created: 1862-12-07
- Description: Topics include inquiries about Mary Farnham’s teeth and dental health, the severe cold weather in camp, instructions on where Mary should go to meet up with Roswell, the house he lives in that has some chinks that allow the wind to come in.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Roswell Farnham Correspondence
Roswell Farnham to Laura
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- Creator: Farnham, Roswell, 1827-1903.
- Date Created: 1863-02-01
- Description: Letter includes two drawings, one of a stockaded tent the soldiers have done and one of Farnham's cabin, all at Wolf Run Shoals, Va., a description of camp life and conditions, his sister Mary’s visit to camp, the mud and snow, and reconsidering sending money home to repay debts.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Roswell Farnham Correspondence
Roswell Farnham to Laura
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- Creator: Farnham, Roswell, 1827-1903.
- Date Created: 1863-04-12
- Description: Topics include the good times the officers' wives are having in camp, the watching of the Guard Mounting, Picket Guard Mounting, battery practice and regiment drill, ladies sent to Alexandria as orders received that the whole brigade is to move and information about Cyrus’ death and belongings.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Roswell Farnham Correspondence
Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]
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- Creator: Farnham, Roswell, 1827-1903.
- Date Created: 1863-04-13
- Description: Roswell Farnham checks up on his wife, Mary ; expresses being sad and lonely once she had left camp, asks her to write him and tell him how to direct his letters to her, instructions to her if she needs money and for her to check her clothing for vermin since she was in camp for such a long time.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Roswell Farnham Correspondence