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Showing 851 - 860 of +10000 Records

Burlington Streets: North Bend Street
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    • Date Created: 1938-10-19
    • Description: October 19, 1938. Intersection of No. Champlain and North Bend Street. Homes are seen on each side of the street. North Bend was later renamed Manhattan Drive.
    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

    Burlington Streets: Pearl St.
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      • Date Created: 1934-04-23
      • Description: April 23, 1934. View of Pearl Street looking west toward the lake. On the left is a corner of the Masonic Temple building. To the right the iron fence surrounding the property of the Unitarian Church can be seen. The corner of Elmwood Ave is visible mid photo to the right. A sign for the Texaco filling station at the corner is also seen. Automobiles and elm trees line the street. Pedestrians are out including a young child on roller skates with dog seen to the extreme left. More about the photo can be found on UVM's Historic Burlington Project, Burlington, Vermont, South of Pearl Street photographs from 1930s 1940s.
      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

      Burlington Streets: Prospect Street
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        • Date Created: 1935-06-13
        • Description: June 13, 1935. V.E.R.A. (Vermont Emergency Relief Administration) Project No. 402-B-7-10. So. Prospect Street sewer job after completion and replacement of pavement surface by the Burlington Street Dept.
        • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

        Burlington Streets: Riverside Ave.
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          • Description: Undated but may be 1929 or early 1930s repaving after removal or covering up of trolley tracks. To the left is a filling station and billboard signs advertising Chesterfield (cigarettes?) and the Sherwood Hotel. City street dept workmen lay fill and steamroll asphalt. Houses line the ridge towering in background.
          • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

          Burlington Streets: Riverside Ave.
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            • Description: Undated photo (1929 or early 1930s?) of intersection of Barrett St and Riverside Ave showing road construction project by the city street dept.
            • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

            Burlington Streets: Riverside Ave.(4X5)
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              • Description: Undated view of Riverside Ave with the Fairview Garage on the far left. A billboard advertising the New Sherwood Hotel in Burlington, Vt can be seen.
              • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

              Burlington Streets: Staniford Road
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                • Date Created: 1942-10-01
                • Description: October 1, 1942. Photo No. 4. This view taken from a point near the intersection of North Ave. looking westerly shows the method of placing the bags of cement in rows spaced to provide for a definite amount of cement per sq. yard of pavement. Note that the spacing has been marked off near the gutter by actual measurement by the man shown on the right. The loose cement which has already been dumped from the bags can bee seen on the left half of the pavement ready to be spread with the spike-tooth harrows. Work done by the Burlington Street Dept.
                • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                Burlington Streets: Union St.
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                  • Description: Undated photo but may be 1930 trolley track removal road construction project by the Burlington Street Dept. View is along South Union Street looking south near the intersection of Maple Street. The old tracks have been dug up as they ran down the center of the street. Private homes and elm trees line both sides of the road. No. 253 South Union is seen to the right. To the left is the J. M. McGeary house at No. 266 South Union. See UVM's Historic Burlington Project, Burlington, Vermont, South of Pearl Street photographs from 1930s 1940s.
                  • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                  Burlington Streets: Willard Street
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                    • Date Created: 1932-10-14
                    • Description: October 14, 1932. Photo #8. Looking north from the intersections of So. Willard, So. Union and Shelburne Road at finished construction of 1932 Bond Issue project as done by the Burlington Street Dept.
                    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                    Burlington Streets: Willard Street
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                      • Date Created: 1931-03-25
                      • Description: March 25, 1931. Sewer Construction being done by the Burlington Street Dept. on So. Willard St. looking south from the intersection of Beech St. 1039 feet of 12 inch Vitrified Sewer Tile to be laid. The greater percentage of the excavation is in solid rock cut varying in depth from 6 inches to 9 feet. In the middle distance workmen seen in the trench that runs down the center of the street. This picture was taken March 25th, 1931.
                      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs