Showing 811 - 820 of 1523 Records
Addie Melvin to Katherine Fletcher\, 1885 December 9
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- Creator: Melvin, Addie.
- Description: Topics include recovering her rubbers.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Willis Hubbard to Katherine Fletcher\, [circa 1885] November 10
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- Creator: Hubbard, Willis.
- Description: Topics include Katherine's new male friend, whom she described in French, Willis' plans to take a school in Morrisville, VT, and the probability that he will no longer attend the lodge functions.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, [1886] December 28
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include Rhett's nervous illness and using a battery to help him.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, [circa 1886 September]
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include Katherine's board, heavy rain, and telling Katherine not to be lonely.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, [1886 or 1887?] April 15 and Carrie Maude to Katherine Fletcher
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta., Maude, Carrie.
- Description: Topics include finishing Katherine's dress, Carrie's health and Maying, and staying the night with Carrie Maude.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Family\, [circa November 1887]
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include entertaining gentlemen friends from school at their boarding house, her parts in a class reception at Normal Hall, purchasing shoes for the occasion, and asking Prof. Campbell for money for her board.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
H. Barton to Andrew Craig Fletcher\, [circa 1887]
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- Creator: Barton, H.
- Description: Topics include Ida Barton's illness and postponing her return to teaching.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, [1887?] November 18
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include recovering the shawl she lent Ida Barton and her brother, Bent, leaving for California.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 January 3
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include a visit to Katie's grandparents, local illnesses, not being able to come to hear lectures in Johnson, and the scarcity of money.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 September 10
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include activities of the family members.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family