Showing 71 - 80 of 1523 Records
Sarah Nolan to Catherine Smith\, 1884 February 11 and Catherine Smith to Henrietta Fletcher\, undated
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- Creator: Nolan, Sarah., Smith, Catherine.
- Description: Topics include the various activities and health of family members, having photographs taken, and Henrietta's crazy quilt project.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Catherine Smith to Katherine Fletcher\, [circa 1883] November 30
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- Creator: Smith, Catherine.
- Description: Topics include a storm, selling hops, local intemperance, and the activities of family members.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Catherine Smith to [Henrietta Fletcher]\, no year May 20
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- Creator: Smith, Catherine.
- Description: Topics include Henrietta's need for money, the poor economy and its effects on the price of produce, a neighbor's death, and her painful hands.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Carl Smith to Katherine Fletcher\, no year March 28
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- Creator: Smith, Carl.
- Description: Topics include how much he would enjoy sugaring in Vermont, the relative size of San Jose, California, and temperance lodge speakers.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Lucy Smith to Katherine Fletcher\, [1885?] April 5
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- Creator: Smith, Lucy.
- Description: Topics include a photograph of Katherine, their farm work, and the various activities and health of family members.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1885 May 19
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include attending a lecture and an outbreak of measles at Johnson Normal school.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1885 October 18
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include Craig's travels and business activities, her own furniture painting, and the death of a neighbor while chopping down a tree.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Willis Hubbard to Katherine Fletcher\, 1885 December 18
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- Creator: Hubbard, Willis.
- Description: Topics include stories Gertrude is telling about him and his desire to take Katherine on a sleigh ride.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Family\, 1885 December 19
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include examinations, school entertainments, the end of term, and her hopes to return to Johnson Normal School next term.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, [1887 October 3?]
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include doing well on an Arithmetic exam, staying at the school due to a storm, a description of a geography class that is going on in the same room, and her Christmas experiences and gifts.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family