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Showing 691 - 700 of 5306 Records

Lucy L[eland?] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 February 13
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    • Creator: L[eland?], Lucy.
    • Description: Topics include Katherine's absence at Johnson State Normal School for the current term, Lucy's work in the office, and events of the dramatic club.
    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

    Nida George to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 April 9
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      • Creator: George, Nida.
      • Description: Topics include how school and classmates are this term, her new teaching position in a village school, and her intentions to flirt a lot in the summer.
      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

      Katherine Fletcher to Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1887 April 23
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        • Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
        • Description: Topics include paying her board and school expenses and her plans to work after school.
        • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

        Nida George to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 May 2
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          • Creator: George, Nida.
          • Description: Topics include her first day teaching school in Lower Stowe, the schoolhouse and scholars, a visit from Mr. Chase (a former schoolmate?), inquiries about former schoolmates, and taking the teacher's examination.
          • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

          Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 November 13
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            • Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
            • Description: Topics include the end of the school term in Jeffersonville, purchasing two Jersey cows and a team of oxen, purchasing under wear for the children, and looking forward to Katherine's visit home.
            • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

            Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 December 24
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              • Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
              • Description: Topics include the Christmas gifts for the children, a prank gift given to the school teacher by a local boy, selling the oxen and purchasing more Jerseys, and wishing Katherine a merry Christmas.
              • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

              Tom [Guild] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 February 26
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                • Creator: Guild, Tom.
                • Description: Topics include social activities including visiting and dancing with friends, recollections of school days and talks with Katherine, and former schoolmates of both of them.
                • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                Joe [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 February 29 and Katherine Fletcher to Nate [s.n.] and Nate [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher and Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher and Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher and [Mamie Flagg?] to Katherine Fletcher
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                  • Creator: [s.n.], Joe., [s.n.], Nate., Flagg, Mamie., Fletcher, Katherine.
                  • Description: Topics include activities since the end of term, entries in autograph books, and Mamie Flagg's illness.
                  • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                  Joe [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 March 27
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                    • Creator: [s.n.], Joe.
                    • Description: Topics include his plans to visit on the train the following weekend.
                    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                    [M.S. Burnell?] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 March 29
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                      • Creator: [Burnell], [M.S.?].
                      • Description: Topics include having already filled the teaching position for the Spring term in the town of Wolcott.
                      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family