Showing 61 - 70 of 120 Records
Fort Ethan Allen Artillery Range (Underhill)
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- Description: Column of marching and mounted military men and horse drawn artillery on road with utility poles and lines. Railroad tracks along roadside. Undated. Photo #5.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Webb Estate (Shelburne, VT)
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- Description: An equestrian jumping hurdles.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits - Family
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- Date Created: 1950
- Description: 1950 photo of the same man in mcalB15F03i01 standing in a field with a colt. The man wears a shiny belted jacket and cap.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits - Individuals
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- Date Created: 1958
- Description: A young woman wearing a riding outfit sits on a saddled horse that stands in a field. Dated 1958. Photo #3.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits - Individuals
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- Date Created: undated
- Description: A young woman wearing a riding outfit sits on a saddled horse that stands in a field. Photo #5. Undated but same as previous photos dated 1958.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Roswell Farnham to [Mary Farnham]
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- Creator: Farnham, Roswell, 1827-1903.
- Date Created: 1863-06-28
- Description: Four days of marching have left the men foot sore and exhausted & he writes of the hardships and consequences of men not being able to keep up. Tells of a mishap with an officer and his horse, of the men picking up stray horses, of the men cooking for themselves, of butchered cattle for fresh beef, mention of Mrs. Capt. Williams and Mrs. Damon, moving towards Hagarstown and no expectation for a fight.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Roswell Farnham Correspondence
Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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- Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
- Date Created: 1863-06-26
- Description: Barney writes of continuing to gain strength, though not as quickly as he hoped; plans to buy a horse; excited at the news of his promotion to Lieutenant Colonel.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence
Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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- Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
- Date Created: 1863-09-09
- Description: Barney writes of the men repairing the barracks in preparation for the winter, and of having a photograph taken of his horse. He also writes of food for breakfast, getting a firkin (56 lbs.) of butter of acquiring a cow for the field and staff officers’ mess and of hearing from Major Jarvis who will be traveling to Brattleboro shortly.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence
William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry
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- Creator: Henry, William Wirt, 1831-1915.
- Date Created: 1862-[09]-17
- Description: A brief letter telling of marching to the Maryland side of the Potomac River, guarding the river from Senaca Creek to Edwards Ferry, of a victory against the rebels, of having a horse to ride to enjoy the countryside and fresh vegetables to eat.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, William Wirt Henry Correspondence
William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry
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- Creator: Henry, William Wirt, 1831-1915.
- Date Created: 1864-12-14
- Description: Henry writes that he has finally been examined by Dr. Hollman, Sixth Corps surgeon, and that he has approved Henry’s medical discharge, so he will be selling his horses and will probably leave for Washington the next day. He writes that his wife should follow the instructions to meet him in New York which he sent in an earlier letter.
- Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, William Wirt Henry Correspondence