Showing 51 - 58 of 58 Records
Lesage and his bride on Couching Lion (Camel's Hump)
Image nop
- Date Created: 1918
- Description: In the background is the North Hut on Couching Lion. "Couching Lion" is the previous name for Camel's Hump. Negative done by Lesage, coloring done by "K" in February of 1929.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Tent in Cooley Glen
Image nop
- Date Created: 1918?
- Description: A lodge was built in Cooley Glen in 1919. Pictured are Allen and Gilbert Smith, along with Herbert Wheaton Congdon.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
UVM Notes vol. 15 no. 02
Image nop
- Creator: University of Vermont
- Date Created: 1918, November
- Parent Collections: University of Vermont Alumni Publications, U.V.M. Notes
Cold Brook Play House, W. Dover, Vt.
Image nop
- Date Created: 1918
- Parent Collections: Porter C. Thayer Photographs
A view of Mount Abraham
Image nop
- Date Created: 1918-09-07 00:00:00
- Description: Taken from the second lookout south of the Lincoln-Warren Pass.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Theron Dean on the chin of Mount Mansfield
Image nop
- Date Created: 1918-02-16 00:00:00
- Description: The original description states that this photo was colored by "_____(?)" and "retouched by K. Feb. '29." It also mentions another photo titled "Dean on Chin, Mt. Mansfield 2.16.1918 (by Dean)" which may may indicate that the photo pictured here was also taken on February 16, 1918.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Congdon lookout - Mount Abraham from Mount Ulysses Grant
Image nop
- Date Created: 1918-08
- Description: Pictured are Herbert Wheaton Congdon and Allen Smith.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs