Showing 51 - 60 of 66 Records
D.C. Heath & Co. to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 March 6
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- Creator: D.C. Heath & Co.
- Description: Topics include a disagreement over an invoice on Katherine's purchase of maps.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
[Jennie Perry] to Katherine Fletcher\, [1888] March 20
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- Creator: Perry, Jennie.
- Description: Topics include activities of former schoolmates, the class letter being sent around, a blizzard, getting a telegraph line installed in South Hero, and attending an exhibition at Town Hall for a school.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Joe [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 March 25
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- Creator: [s.n.], Joe.
- Description: Topics include not being able to visit Katherine as planned due to the mud and a falling out with his girl friend, Nell.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Will Newcomb to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 May 17
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- Creator: Newcomb, Will.
- Description: Topics include Katherine's teaching, his farming and learning to drive a two-wheel cart, former schoolmates and their activities, and wanting to go to the mountains with Katherine sometime.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Viola Allen photographic portrait
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- Creator: Unidentified.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Will Newcomb photographic portrait
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- Creator: Unidentified.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1888 January 9
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include raising money to pay for her board and tuition, the long hours she has been studying, and preparing her delivery of "The Chimes of St. Nicholas" for the graduation exercises.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Joe [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 March 19
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- Creator: [s.n.], Joe.
- Description: Topics include his healed hand and resumed work at the mill, attending a reception, and his plans to visit Katherine in Jeffersonville the next Sunday.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Carrie Carroll to Sheldon Prudential Committee\, 1888 March 30
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- Creator: Carroll, Carrie.
- Description: Topics include Katherine Fletcher's qualifications for a teaching position in Sheldon.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
P.A. Powell to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 April 2
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- Creator: Powell, P.A.
- Description: Topics include the unlikelyhood of Katherine obtaining a post in the Essex school.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family