Showing 51 - 60 of 66 Records
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 December 3 and Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta., Fletcher, Carrie.
- Description: Topics include Andrew Craig successfully defending a suit against Mackie, Henrietta's foot injury, and Carrie's school studies.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1886 December 7
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- Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
- Description: Topics include her health, her high marks in Algebra, two classmates failing, weekend lectures at the school, and a "Whittier's Reception".
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Justin Smith Morrill to Matthew H. Buckham, January 7, 1886
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- Creator: Morrill, Justin S. (Justin Smith), 1810-1898.
- Date Created: 1886-01-07
- Description: Morrill writes in response to an inquiry from Buckham about President George Atherton of Penn State asking for a $100 contribution toward the expense of looking after the Cutler bill in the House.
- Parent Collections: Justin Morrill Letters to UVM President Buckham
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, [1886 December 30?]
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include Rhett's nervous illness.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Willis Hubbard to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 January 9
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- Creator: Hubbard, Willis.
- Description: Topics include a kind of prank that Katherine seems to have played and his desire to terminate their correspondence.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Marion Cornell to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 June 23 and Burton [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 June 24 and Ida Thorp to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 June 25
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- Creator: Cornell, Marion., [s.n.], Burton., Thorp, Ida.
- Description: Topics include their studies and school activities. Three letters from three former pupils in a Cambridge, VT school.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 September 23 and Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher
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- Creator: Fletcher, Carrie., Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include Carrie's schoolwork and possibly finding another boarding house for Katherine.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 November 14 and Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 November 14
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- Creator: Fletcher, Carrie., Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include the end of school before Thanksgiving for Carrie, Henrietta's recent sore throat, plans to make Katie a dress, and the marriage of two young neighbors.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Letter from SPENCER FULLERTON BAIRD to CAROLINE CRANE MARSH, dated August 12, 1886.
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- Creator: Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887.
- Parent Collections: George Perkins Marsh - Spencer Fullerton Baird Correspondence, George Perkins Marsh Online Research Center
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, [circa 1886 May 17]
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include raising money for Katherine's board and dress, but probably not for pictures, and Miss Barton, the new school teacher, boarding with them.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family