Showing 5481 - 5490 of 6645 Records
Mary Fletcher Hospital - Staff
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- Date Created: 1950
- Description: 1950 group portrait of Mary Fletcher Hospital nursing staff. Photo #17.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
May Crowning
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- Date Created: 1948-1949
- Description: 1948/1949 photo of a young girl placing a crown on a statue of the Virgin Mary as part of May Crowning, a traditional Roman Catholic ritual that occurs in the month of May whereby an image or likeness of the Blessed Virgin is ceremonially crowned recognizing her as Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God. This may be Mother's Day.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - French Summer School
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- Date Created: 1958
- Description: 1958 photo of the French Summer School faculty. Senior faculty in the front row that can be identified include (l. -r.): Claude Bourcier, M. Guilloton, Mme Moissu, and Stephen Freeman. Enrollment in '58: 338. Junior faculty (standing)were recruited from France and other American colleges.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - French Summer School
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- Date Created: 1946
- Description: French School Faculty: 1946 photo taken in front of the Chateau Francais. Senior faculty seated in front row are, l.-r.: Claude Bourcier, Mr. Pargment, Stephen Freeman, Mme Guilloton, Rene Jasinski, Andre Morize, Mme Morize, Mme Gall-Bernot, Mr. Guilloton, and Mme Moussu. Younger faculty were recruited from France to maintain the authenticity of spoken French and enhance the instruction of French culture.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - French Summer School
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- Date Created: 1946
- Description: French School Faculty: 1946 photo taken in front of the Chateau Francais. Senior faculty seated in front row are, l.-r.: Claude Bourcier, Mr. Pargment, Stephen Freeman, Mme Guilloton, Rene Jasinski, Andre Morize, Mme Morize, Mme Gall-Bernot, Mr. Guilloton, and Mme Moussu. Younger faculty were recruited from France to maintain the authenticity of spoken French and enhance the instruction of French culture. Photo 3.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - German Summer School - Faculty
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- Date Created: 1957-1958
- Description: 1957 (or '58) photo of Middlebury College German Summer School faculty. Identifiable persons, front row, are: Louise Kiefer (3rd from l.), and director Werner Neuse (center); back row (l.-r.): Fritz Tiller, Harold Lenz, and Herbert Lederer (2nd from r.). Enrollment in 1957 was 106; in '58, 110.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - Groups, Unidentified
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- Date Created: circa 1930's
- Description: 1930s portrait of a small group of men wearing overcoats standing outside on the steps of Fuller Hall, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - Russian Summer School
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- Date Created: 1960
- Description: 1960 photo of faculty and students at the Middlebury College Russian Summer School. Seated in the front row, l.-r., are: unidentified teacher, Nicholas Poltoratzky, Berthe Normano, executive secretary of the school, Nicholas Efremov, Nicholas Timasheff, and Margaret and Mischa Fayer.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - Russian Summer School - Faculty
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- Date Created: 1957-1958
- Description: 1957?'58? photo of Russian Summer School faculty at Middlebury College. Identifiable teachers in front row (l.-r.) are: Tatiana Vacquier (3rd from l.), Margaret Fayer, Berthe Normano, and Aron Pressman. Standing: N. Maltzoff (3rd from l.) and Mischa Fayer (2nd from r.). Fayer directed the program from its beginning in 1945 until 1967.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - Russian Summer School - Faculty
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- Date Created: 1959
- Description: 1959 photo of Russian Summer School faculty. Identifiable women in the front row are, l.-r.: Tatiana Vacquier, Berthe Normano (3rd from l.), and Catherine Wolkonsky (2nd from r.). In 2nd row, l.-r.: Aron Pressman, Margaret and Mischa Mayer (far right). 3rd row: Nicholas Maltzoff (r.)
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs