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Showing 5221 - 5230 of 6645 Records

Burlington Streets: Prospect Street
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    • Date Created: 1938-02-26
    • Description: February 26, 1938 (see also mcalA05F19i11) as it has a slightly different angle but is the same area. Men spread out in a line across the street doing road construction on Maple Street at the intersection of So. Prospect Street.
    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs,Louis L. McAllister Photographs

    Burlington Streets: Union St.
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      • Description: Undated view of the intersection of Main and So. Union streets during trolley track removal project by the Burlington Street Dept. Corner street sign identifies the location. A portion of the street has had the rails removed and has been filled in. Further up the street the empty trenches have not yet been filled. A danger sign warns motorists.
      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

      Burlington Streets: University Place
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        • Date Created: 1928-11-21
        • Description: November 21, 1928. University Place looking south near the Pearl Street / Colchester Ave line. Note the new improvements consisting of integral curb and gutters, pavement consisting of 6" concrete base with 2" asphalt top, also new ornamental lighting systems. The main University of Vermont green is to the right. Ira Allen Chapel is on the left. Further down on the left is Billings, Williams Hall and Old Mill. Locally known as "University Row." At the extreme left hand corner can just be seen a section of the trolley tracks still in place along Colchester Ave.
        • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

        Burlington Streets: Winooski Ave.
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          • Date Created: 1933
          • Description: 1933 view of South Winooski Ave opposite Central Fire Station showing three vehicles belonging to O. C. Taylor & Co., a wholesale tobacco business, advertising Roi-Tan cigars. Behind is Appleyard Motor Co., a used car dealer at No. 129. To the right is the A. D. Pease Grain Co. at 125 So Winooski Ave.
          • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

          Burlington Streets: Winooski Ave.
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            • Date Created: 1942-10-09
            • Description: October, 9, 1942. This view shows the newly constructed USO (United Service Organizations) Club building at 162-164 So. Winooski Ave. at the time the Burlington Street Department was grading the lawn at the front of the building and constructing the driveways at each entrance. Top soil was placed on the newly graded area and grass seed was sown at this time.
            • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

            Burlington Streets: Winooski Ave.
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              • Description: South Winooski Ave at the corner of Bank Street as indicated by the street sign stating Bank St. Piles of dirt are heaped onto the greenbelt (tree belt) as street dept crew do work. To the right can be seen the steeple and front columns of the First Congregational Church on So. Winooski Ave.
              • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

              Burlington Streets: Winooski Ave.
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                • Description: Undated photograph of the Tydol gas station that was located at 54-56 North Winooski Avenue at the corner of Grant St. This structure was destroyed by fire in 2003.
                • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                Burlington Streets: Winooski Ave.
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                  • Date Created: 1928-10-27
                  • Description: Photograph dated Oct. 27, 1928 of a street construction project on North Winooski Ave. The buildings pictured are located at 41, 45, and 47 North Winooski Avenue.
                  • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                  Burlington Streets: Winooski Ave.
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                    • Date Created: 1928-10-17
                    • Description: Photograph dated Oct. 17, 1928 of a street paving project in front of 57 North Winooski Avenue, just below the intersection of North Winooski Avenue and Grant Street.
                    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

                    Camp Abnaki
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                      • Description: Undated photo no. 4 but may be 1951 and related to Camp Abnaki's 50th anniversary. The camp is a summer resident camp for boys in North Hero on the shores of Lake Champlain owned by the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association). Seen here is a formal group portrait of what appears to be staff.
                      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs