Showing 481 - 490 of 918 Records
Looking south under a birch - 0.5 miles above Dunsmoor Lodge on Bolton Mountain
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- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Couching Lion (Camel's Hump) from the trail north of Dunsmoor Lodge
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- Date Created: 1920-08-25 00:00:00
- Description: "Couching Lion" is the previous name for Camel's Hump.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Camel's Hump from Middlesex Center
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- Date Created: 1921-02-17 00:00:00
- Description: Camel's Hump was previously referred to also as "Couching Lion."
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Leverett T. Smith at the Needle's Eye on Mount Mansfield
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- Date Created: 1920-08-19 00:00:00
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Mount Mansfield and cows
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- Date Created: 1921-10-02 00:00:00
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Killington and Mendon from the West and Earle Kinsley's Camp
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- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Baby fox near Jay Peak
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- Date Created: 1927-08-26 00:00:00
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Davidson, Miss Cooley, Allen Smith, Professor Monroe, Gilbert Smith at a work party on Mount Wilson
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- Date Created: 1918-08
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs