Showing 4641 - 4650 of 6645 Records
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- Date Created: 1948-1949
- Description: Dated 1948 / 1949. Photo of Machine cabinet with door open.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Malletts Bay - Colchester, VT
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- Date Created: 1935-1936
- Description: 1935 /1936 summer photo of children and adults enjoying Lake Champlain as seen at Malletts Bay in Colchester, Vermont.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Manufacturing and Tool, Corp.
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- Description: Undated wintertime photo of the Manufacturing and Tool, Corp. building.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Manufacturing and Tool, Corp. - Interior
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- Description: Photo of interior of Manufacturing and Tool, Corp. showing various machines. 1940s?
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
May Crowning
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- Date Created: 1948-1949
- Description: 1948/1949 photo of young girls standing with several women and a priest as part of May Crowning, a traditional Roman Catholic ritual that occurs in the month of May whereby an image or likeness of the Blessed Virgin is ceremonially crowned recognizing her as Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God. This may be Mother's Day.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - French Summer School
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- Date Created: 1952
- Description: 1952 photo of French Summer School faculty. Building in the background may be the Chateau Francais (built 1925) at Middlebury. Among the identifiable faculty seated in front are Stephen Freeman, Claude Bourcier, M. & Mme Guilloton, Mme Moissu. Enrollment in '52: 270 students. Photo 4.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - German Summer School
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- Date Created: 1958
- Description: 1958 photo of Middlebury College German Summer School faculty. Identifiable persons, front row (l.-r.) are: Wolfgang Stechow, director Werner Neuse (4th from l.) and Fritz Tiller (far r.); back row (l.-r.): Herbert Lederer, Joachim Seyppel, and Henry Remak from Indiana U. (3rd from l.). Enrollment in 1958 was 110.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - German Summer School
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- Date Created: 1960
- Description: 1960 photo of Middlebury College German Summer School faculty. Identifiable persons, front row (l.-r.) are: Louise Kiefer (2nd from l.), and director Werner Neuse (3rd from r.); back row (l.-r.): Fritz Tiller (4th from l.), Henry Remak (5th from r.), and Herbert Lederer (4th from r.). Enrollment in 1960 was 176.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - Groups, Unidentified
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- Date Created: 1946
- Description: 1946 group portrait of a small group of men outside in front of the Mead Memorial Chapel, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vt. Photo #8.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Middlebury College - Italian Summer School
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- Description: Middlebury College Italian Summer School: faculty and students (enrollment in '35 was 53; 70 in '36). Identifiable faculty, seated in front row, are: Uguccione Ranieri di Sorbello, 3rd from l.; Gabriella Bosano, dir. 1932-38; Louis Solano; a Miss Savoia; and Michele Cantarella, 3rd from r.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs