Note: Put the word between quotation marks (“example”) to perform an exact search.

Showing 411 - 420 of 478 Records

Mary Harvey to Ruth Fletcher\, 1855 July 30
Image nop
    • Creator: Harvey, Mary.
    • Description: Topics include a family visit, Uncle's hurt hand, runaway horses, the birth of a neighbor's daughter, and the sale of wood.
    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

    Ellen Colton to [Carlos Colton?]\, 1855 November 29
    Image nop
      • Creator: Colton, Ellen.
      • Description: Topics include Ellen's graduation, her work in a factory in Danville, and the death of her father, Zebina Colton. The letter is to one of her brothers, probably Carlos.
      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

      [Mary Harvey?] to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher\, 1860 January 19
      Image nop
        • Creator: Harvey, Mary.
        • Description: Topics include the prices of grains and stocks in Illinois, the village conditions and organizations, and the state of their farm. This letter is a fragment: the final page or pages are missing, including the closing signature. The attribution of authorship is based on the handwriting and topics of the letter.
        • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

        Ruth Fletcher to Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1864 August 19
        Image nop
          • Creator: Fletcher, Ruth.
          • Description: Topics include Ruth's distress at hearing of her son's plans to enlist in the war, the death of a cousin Laura, the health of his sister Ella, and the visit of Edson and his family.
          • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

          Andrew Craig Fletcher to Family\, 1864 December 4
          Image nop
            • Creator: Fletcher, Andrew Craig.
            • Description: Topics include arrests in St. Albans and his plans to go to school.
            • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

            Image Published with Transcript
            Image nop
              • Description: Topics include raising funds to hire Henrietta and Craig, his current debt, and a local fire.

              Lemuel Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher\, undated
              Image nop
                • Creator: Colton, Lemuel.
                • Description: Topics include the marriage of their son Lemuel, the death of their niece Verona, and their material circumstances.
                • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                Mary A. Johnson to Ruth Colton\, no year July 7
                Image nop
                  • Creator: Johnson, Mary A.
                  • Description: Topics include Mary's teaching and future work plans, and the birth of two children.
                  • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                  [Lemuel Colton?] to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher and Lydia Colton\, 1840 February 18
                  Image nop
                    • Creator: Colton, Lemuel.
                    • Description: Topics include the deaths of Clark and Susan Pratt and the activities of Moses Shepard Colton and his family.
                    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                    Bestsey Verona Colton to Ruth Fletcher\, 1852 December 24
                    Image nop
                      • Creator: Colton, Betsey Verona.
                      • Description: Topics include the death of Verona's Grandmother (Ruth's mother), Carseldana (Verona's sister), the birth of Carlos Colton to Lemuel and Matilda, and the recovery of Curtis Colton.
                      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family