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Showing 4081 - 4090 of 5327 Records

Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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    • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
    • Date Created: 1862-09-22
    • Description: Writing from Camp Parole topics include a hard march to the camp near Annapolis, being paroled and possibly being sent out West to fight the Indians or sent to home state and a detailed description of an engagement at Harpers Ferry (West Virginia) that included heavy fire, skirmishing Rebels, Union soldiers abandoning their posts, troops falling back, white flag raised by the Union soldiers, men discarding their revolvers and swords, mingling of the Confederates with the Union men as comrades in arms.
    • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

    Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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      • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
      • Date Created: 1862-10-05
      • Description: Topics include the conditions at Camp Tyler, the observation of the Sabbath not to his liking as the duty of dispensing clothing to the men, etc. took up much of it, recounts the past 3 weeks, of seeing Vermont marble on the floors of some buildings on his visit to the city of Chicago, the Chicago marble business using Vermont marble and of there being a lot of Vermonters in the area.
      • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

      Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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        • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
        • Date Created: [1862]-10-30
        • Description: Topics include the improvement of Barney‚Äôs health, the care he is receiving, and a description of the bilious fever with which he was afflicted (i.e. jaundice).
        • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

        Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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          • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
          • Date Created: 1862-11-03
          • Description: Topics include the continued improvement of Barney‚Äôs health from jaundice though his appetite is low and his skin itches, of foods he regularly eats, the sickness of Sergeant Whitmore with typhoid fever, and the deaths in the regiment including Chas Crook.
          • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

          Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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            • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
            • Date Created: 1862-12-26
            • Description: From Camp Douglas the day after Christmas topics include the disappearance of other soldiers‚Äô military pay as well his own from an earlier date, the hope to track the money down, the receiving of gifts from the men of the company out of love and respect for Barney as their officer, the damaging of his winter coat beyond repair, a description of Christmas at Mrs. Snow‚Äôs including giving his photograph to Sarah.
            • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

            Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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              • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
              • Date Created: 1863-02-05
              • Description: Topics include Thomas Cunliffe reported as a deserter, dental work done, $80 draft sent to Maria, getting help for her during the winter including getting milking done by Alfred or Has, surprised by the number of babies being born in Swanton during war time, and the antics of a Rebel prisoner.
              • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

              Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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                • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
                • Date Created: 1863-02-10
                • Description: Topics include trying to get a pass into camp so a friend can see the Rebel prisoners, promotions in the Regiment, including the promotion of Colonel Stannard to Brigadier General, and a riot by the 65th Illinois Infantry Regiment against the sutlers.
                • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

                Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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                  • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
                  • Date Created: 1863-02-15
                  • Description: Topics include his desire to return home to play with his children, his worry about hearing that the family home was nearly lost in a fire, and how visiting with acquaintances helps him keep from being homesick.
                  • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

                  Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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                    • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
                    • Date Created: 1863-03-12
                    • Description: Writes of visualizing home and the children, his disgust with Copperheads, and his approval of Lincoln‚Äôs proclamation regarding deserters, as he feels that soldiers are enticed into deserting by Southern sympathizers. He also apologizes for his response to Maria‚Äôs letter dated February 23rd.
                    • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence

                    Valentine G. Barney to Maria Barney
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                      • Creator: Barney, Valentine G., 1834-1889.
                      • Date Created: 1863-04-17
                      • Description: A short letter letting his wife know that the Regiment has moved closer to Suffolk, Virginia, and that their position is very defensible. He mentions that the move was sudden and that he lost a shirt and underclothes, but is able to make do. The conditions are primitive and he will need to write reports on a table outside his tent.
                      • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Valentine G. Barney Correspondence