Showing 31 - 40 of 80 Records
Veterans of Foreign Wars
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- Date Created: 1952
- Description: 1952 photo of a wreath-laying ceremony at Battery Park at the VFW memorial dedicated to Howard W. Plant. Plant, the first Burlington casualty of World War I, died on 6 Dec. 1917, so this event may be a 35th anniversary commemoration. Many veterans and military personnel, some carrying American flags, are gathered near the site. Burlington Mayor J. Edward Moran can be seen on the far left, directly under the flag.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars - Booster's Club : Squirrel Club
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- Date Created: 1947-1948
- Description: 1947 or 1948 photo of members of the VFW Squirrel Club, assembled on and around a flat-bed truck, either before or after a parade in Burlington. Location is outside of the First Unitarian Universalist Society church at 152 Pearl Street (head of Church Street Marketplace), Burlington, Vt. They are part of the Military Order of the Cootie (MOC), an organization within VFW that seeks to have fun while also visiting the sick and disabled in veterans hospitals and elsewhere. The MOC motto is displayed on the side of the truck: "Keep 'Em Smiling in Beds of White."
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars - Booster's Club : Squirrel Club
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- Date Created: 1956-1957
- Description: Ca. 1956 photo of 11 men, all members of the Squirrel Club--evidently, a boosters club within the VFW with a mission, among other things, to have fun. Most are wearing what looks like a garrison cap put on sideways, with a variety of insignia, decoration, and perhaps the cootie mascot (also on neckties). The men are displaying their beverages of choice: Black Label and Schaefer beer in a can. (Beer in a can had been available since 1935--hardly a novelty item.) Location is probably the VFW hall at 69 College St., Burlington, Vt.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars
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- Date Created: 1945
- Description: 1945 photo of several men--local dignitaries, servicemen, clergy, and veterans--gathered in downtown Burlington, Vt. (First Baptist Church and auto dealer Charles P. Smith Jr. are in background), very likely for the Armistice (now Veterans) Day parade, the first after the end of World War II. A few women and children can be seen in the background. On the far left, in light fedora and overcoat, is Arthur W. Dow, state editor of the Burlington Free Press, a determined impresario of the performing arts who brought legendary musicians to Burlington, and editor of a column "Vermonters Serving under the U.S. Flag." Tragically, Dow suffered a heart attack and died just two weeks after this photo was taken.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars
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- Date Created: 1959
- Description: 1959 photo of a ceremony at Battery Park, very likely at the veterans memorial dedicated to Howard W. Plant. An officer, perhaps a veteran, is reading a passage from a booklet. A number of onlookers from the neighborhood, plus other veterans, have gathered for the occasion.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars
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- Date Created: 1959
- Description: 1959 photo of 14 veterans, taken at a party at the VFW hall in Burlington, Vt.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars
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- Description: The men gather for a group portrait. Banner in the background reads "Ladies Auxiliary Howard Plant, Post No. 782, Burlington, Vermont, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States" Instituted June 1924. Photo #2.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars
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- Description: The men gather for a group portrait. The military veterans wear caps of their organization.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars
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- Description: Two men shake hands at a presentation where two oxygen tanks and other equipment in a container are being given. Banner in the background reads "Ladies Auxiliary Howard Plant, Post No. 782, Burlington, Vermont, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States" Instituted June 1924.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Burlington: "Cooties" Club
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- Date Created: 1952
- Description: 1952 Back of photo: "Bugs Contacts Grange Hall" Male members of the Cooties Club, under the Veterans of Foreign Wars, gather for a group portrait.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs