Showing 31 - 40 of 54 Records
Achieve All the Standards
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows two school officials, a man on the left who is looking stressed and a woman to his right. The man is holding a huge stack of papers that rise from his waist to above his head. He is saying to the woman, "In order for students to achieve all the standards we'll have to extend the school day to 10 hours, the school year to 240 days, and the students will have to go to high school until age 24." The tag line reads, "School Officials Ponder Their Options: Adjust the standards, adjust the school program or adjust both."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks
Secret Wish
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows a woman sitting on Santa's lap with a Christmas tree gifts in the background. There are children waiting in line to sit on Santa's lap too. Santa says, "You're a bit old for this, but go ahead and tell me your secret wish." The woman responds, "I'd like my child to have a teacher who is welcoming, inspires a love of learning, and sees the value in every child." The tag line reads, "Mary Beth's secret wish is shared by parents the world over." The tag line on the left reads, "Inspired by Mary Beth Doyle."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1998
- Description: This cartoon show a teacher looking at himself in a full length mirror. The tag line under the cartoon reads, "After spending 10 minutes each afternoon in front of a full-length mirror, Alan still isn't sure why self-reflection is so important to good teaching."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Ants in His Pants
Escape Attempts
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1998
- Description: This cartoon shows a teacher at the chalkboard in front of a full class at individual desks arranged in U. The teacher says, "Class... Today we will continue our unit on the rain forest." A student with a disability and his one-to-one paraprofessional, who is standing immediately behind him, are positioned just a couple steps from the door to the hallway. The tag line under the cartoon reads, "Fred's instructional assistant makes sure she and Fred are positioned close to an exit to make any escape attempts less conspicuous."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Ants in His Pants
Old Hat
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon shows a classroom table with children sitting around it working on papers together. Two teachers are in the left side of the frame chatting, one is wearing an old baseball hat. And one is wearing a hairband and glasses. The teacher with the hairband says "It's amazing how well you have adjusted your teaching now that students with severe disabilities are in your class." The teacher in the old hat says "Well, I just keep reminding myself that my students were each different before 'Inclusive Education' that hasn't changed, just expanded." The tag line reads "Mrs. King sports her worn softball cap as a reminder that individualizing to meet unique student needs is old hat to good teachers."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Poultry Puns
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon shows a teacher in front of a class full of students. The students all have their hands up and they are all saying, "I'm done!" the teacher responds with, "Turkeys are 'done' people are 'finished!' Based on you work, I should give you all 'Goose eggs!' But since I'm 'Mr. Eggstra-nice-guy,' I'll let you do it over!" the tag line reads, "What happens when teachers become obsessed with poultry puns."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Dick, Jane and Spot
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon has two people in the panel. The man on the right side of the panel is saying, "We need to avoid our mistakes of the past and teach kids the 'Classics.'" The person in the right side of the panel says, "Right! I still fondly remember 'See Dick. See Jane. See Spot. Run Spot Run!'" The tag line reads "Literature in literacy an entire generation grew up thinking Dick, Jane, and Spot were significant literary characters."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Bending Over Backwards
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 1999
- Description: The cartoon shows a classroom teacher and a student at a desk. The teacher is doing a back bend and pointing at the students work. The teacher says "Nice work Melanie!" and the Melanie says "Thanks for your help Mrs. V." The tag line reads "Mrs. V. is the kind of classroom teacher who bends over backwards for all of her students."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants
Hardening of the Attitudes
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows an overweight, middle-aged man in his underwear sitting on an examining table in his doctor's office. The doctor is standing in front of him listening to the man's heart with a stethoscope. The man says to the doctor, "What is Doc? I can take it!" The doctor replies, "I'm afraid you have a common affliction among veteran educators...Attituderial Asclerosis." The tag line reads, "Harry is diagnosed with hardening of the attitudes."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks
Trial by Fire
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- Creator: Giangreco, Michael F., 1956-.
- Date Created: 2000
- Description: The cartoon shows the door to the principal's office with a sign that reads, "Do not disturb. Interview in progress." Just in front of the door is a ring of fire and in front of the ring of fire are burning coals on the floor. A woman is standing by the coals holding a file. There are three people sitting at a table waiting and one woman, looking nervous and making the sound "Gulp!" as she walks toward the coals with her shoes in her hand. The woman holding the file says, "Right this way! The principal will see you now." The tag line reads, "Prospective employees go through a trial by fire to help determine their suitability for the realities of public school."
- Parent Collections: Absurdities and Realities of Special Education, Teaching Old Logs New Tricks