Showing 31 - 40 of 834 Records
Paris and Woodruff (fallen) on Camel's Hump - Dean standing and laughing
Image nop
- Date Created: 1915-01-03 00:00:00
- Description: Camel's Hump was previously referred to also as "Couching Lion."
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Tucker Party at Bolton Ferry: fare 25 cents
Image nop
- Description: The original states that the photographer is "Miss Jessie Doe of Boston."
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Mount Mansfield from Bolton Tower
Image nop
- Description: Slide colored by Mrs. Perry in 1929.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Taft Lodge and snow
Image nop
- Date Created: 1926-04-10 00:00:00
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Mount Mansfield chin from the nose
Image nop
- Date Created: 1926-05-06 00:00:00
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Rocks south of Mount Hunger
Image nop
- Date Created: 1921-10-02 00:00:00
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Couching Lion from Bolton Mountain
Image nop
- Date Created: 1917-07-28 00:00:00
- Description: "Couching Lion" is the previous name for Camel's Hump.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Couching Lion (Camel's Hump) and fog from Dunsmoor Lodge
Image nop
- Description: "Couching Lion" is the previous name for Camel's Hump.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Taylor Lodge
Image nop
- Date Created: 1927-02-22 00:00:00
- Description: Negative taken by Mr. Hilton of Underhill. Slide made by Clark of Burlington. Colored by Mrs. Perry in February, 1929.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs