Showing 291 - 300 of 1523 Records
Lemuel Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher\, 1860 June 21
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- Creator: Colton, Lemuel.
- Description: Topics include the health and activities of his household, the birth of Verona's girl, Evaline, the marriage of Lyman to Nancy Whistler, the state of his farm and that of Moses Shepard's and the death of their daughter 2 years previous.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Ruth Fletcher to Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1864 October 9
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- Creator: Fletcher, Ruth.
- Description: Topics include a local religious conference and subsequent baptisms and the various sales of farms.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Andrew Craig Fletcher to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher\, 1865 July 5 and July 10
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- Creator: Fletcher, Andrew Craig.
- Description: Topics include his office work and postponing his visit home.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Andrew Craig Fletcher to Ruth Fletcher\, 1866 November 24
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- Creator: Fletcher, Andrew Craig.
- Description: Topics include his work in St. Albans and his consideration of working in New York.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Catherine Smith to [Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher?]\, no year April 22
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- Creator: Smith, Catherine.
- Description: Topics include the sugaring and farming activities of neighbors and family and Edward and Marilla in California.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Addie Quimby to Della Oakes\, 1879 April 26
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- Creator: Quimby, Addie.
- Description: Topics include her visit to Craig Fletcher's house, her cousin Albert Quimby, and a swindle affecting Andrew Fletcher.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Katie [Smith?] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1880 September 3
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- Creator: Smith, Katie.
- Description: Topics include the end of school term, her recent illness with measles, some poems about love and friendship.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, May 11, 1934
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Topics include Austin’s decision not to participate on bill to control the making and sale of films for movie shows, Block-Booking Bill, due to personal investments in Vermont theaters.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, January 3, 1938
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Topics include President Roosevelt message on the New Deal; bill for regulation of transportation.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, February 17, 1938
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Topics include Republican led termination of delegation of power to coin money and fix the value thereof to the President.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress