Showing 21 - 30 of 39 Records
Prayer Book
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- Creator: Catholic Church
- Date Created: 1561
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Vulgate Bible
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- Date Created: 1280
- Description: Text is Joshua 18:18-22:22.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Book of Hours?
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- Creator: Catholic Church
- Date Created: 1250-1299
- Description: Text is Habacuc 3:9-18.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Book of Hours
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- Date Created: 1450-1499
- Description: Text is from a set of Responsories.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Italian Herbal
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- Date Created: 1475-1525
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Book of Hours?
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- Creator: Catholic Church
- Date Created: 1400-1499
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
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- Creator: Catholic Church
- Date Created: 1500-1599
- Description: Text is from the Mass beginning with a communion proper.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Summa de Casibus Conscientiae
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- Date Created: 1400-1450
- Description: This copy of a confessor's handbook is incomplete.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
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- Creator: Catholic Church
- Date Created: 1300-1350
- Description: Text is Lessons 1-7 for the Feast of the Circumcision.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
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- Date Created: 1450-1499
- Description: Text is from the end of Act 2 through the beginning of Act 3 of The Eunuch.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts