Note: Put the word between quotation marks (“example”) to perform an exact search.

Showing 281 - 290 of 1523 Records

Mary Harvey to Ruth Fletcher\, 1853 August 26
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    • Creator: Harvey, Mary.
    • Description: Topics include the birth of her Mary's daughter, and the health of family members.
    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

    Isaac Shepard to Harry Dwinell\, 1866 January 28
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      • Creator: Shepard, Isaac.
      • Description: Topics include the whereabouts and deaths in the family, and the condition of Harry's sister Sally, who is insane.
      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

      Ellen Church to Ruth Fletcher\, 1869 August 22
      Image nop
        • Creator: Church, Ellen.
        • Description: Topics include misunderstandings between them during her last visit and the state of her family and their farm.
        • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

        Catherine Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher\, no year February 13
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          • Creator: Smith, Catherine.
          • Description: Topics include the mild winter in Burke, NY, activities and health of family members, and her expectations of receiving a reply.
          • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

          Catherine Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher\, no year October 20
          Image nop
            • Creator: Smith, Catherine.
            • Description: Topics include selling butter, barley and potato harvests and prices, the grasshoppers' destruction of the wheat crop, and the illnesses among family and friends.
            • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

            George B. Smith to Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1873 May 12 and Edward C. Smith to Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1873 May 13
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              • Creator: Smith, George B., Smith, Edward C.
              • Description: Topics include a request for Craig to send maple syrup and other bulk goods to George.
              • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

              Edward C. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1874 August 2
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                • Creator: Smith, Edward C.
                • Description: Topics include an injury he incurred while trying to put a halter on a wild mustang, arrangements for receiving sugar from Craig, and plans to send canned fruit and pictures.
                • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                Unidentified to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1874 December 8
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                  • Creator: Unidentified.
                  • Description: Topics include her move into the town of Owatonna and a request to write news of family members and to visit.
                  • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                  George B. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1876 January 30
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                    • Creator: Smith, George B.
                    • Description: Topics include tracking down a supposed shipment of matches.
                    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                    George B. Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1878 December 15 and Catherine Smith to Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher
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                      • Creator: Smith, George B., Smith, Catherine.
                      • Description: Topics include George Bentley (Bent) Smith's plans to marry Lucy Brown and visit family members.
                      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family