Showing 251 - 260 of 834 Records
Andy R. Buchanan en route to Bolton Lodge
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- Date Created: 1929-09
- Description: Photo taken by Andy's father, Professor R.O. Buchanan of Burlington, Vermont. Slide made January 2, 1930 by Clark.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Mount Mansfield nose in winter
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- Date Created: 1925-04-10 00:00:00
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
30 foot tower on Bolton Mountain
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- Date Created: 1921
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Sunset over Couching Lion (Camel's Hump) from the East
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- Date Created: 1926-05-06 00:00:00
- Description: "Couching Lion" is the previous name for Camel's Hump.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
C.J. Badgley and Burtis Dean on the chin of Mount Mansfield
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- Date Created: 1920-06-05 00:00:00
- Description: Pictured are: Mr. C. J. Badgley from Poughkeepsie, N.Y. - age 75 and and Burtis Dean - age 9. Negative done by Dean on Monday, August 2, 1920. Colored by Mrs. Perry.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Summit House Hotel and chin of Mount Mansfield from the South
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- Date Created: 1926-05-06 00:00:00
- Description: This building is also referred to as the "Vermont Hotel."
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Mount Mansfield from Stowe
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- Description: Photo attributed to either Hanston or Robert W. Wilkinson. It was most likely colored by Mrs. Perry in 1929.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs
Long Trail Lodge 2,220 feet - Mount Pico in the distance
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- Date Created: 1930-04
- Description: The slide was recolored on May 11, 1930 for 75 cents.
- Parent Collections: Long Trail Photographs