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Showing 221 - 222 of 222 Records

School Groups - Unidentified
Image nop
    • Date Created: circa 1948
    • Description: Ca. 1948 photo of at least 200 young people and adults. Room is probably a gymnasium in Burlington. Occasion may be a gathering before graduation such as baccalaureate (both Anglican and Roman Catholic clergy are present). This is the "female" side of the assembly. mcalB17F24i01-02 showed mostly the boys.
    • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs

    UVM - Groups
    Image nop
      • Date Created: 1957-1958
      • Description: 1957 or 1958 photo of a group of mostly men (five nuns and one other woman seen) assembled on the steps of the Billings Library on the University of Vermont campus.
      • Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs