Showing 211 - 220 of 897 Records
Vermont National Guard Hangar - Construction (Burlington Morrissey)
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- Date Created: 1947
- Description: October 1947. Construction of the Vermont National Guard Hangar in Burlington showing the three men of the company on site with contractors sign in background. Work by Wright & Morrissey Contractors of Burlington.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars
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- Date Created: 1957
- Description: 1957 photo of a gathering of veterans at Battery Park, Burlington, Vt. Occasion very likely is Veterans Day. A speaker is addressing the crowd. This may be J. Edward Moran, mayor of Burlington 1949-1957 and then manager of the airport.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars - Booster's Club : Squirrel Club
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- Date Created: 1952
- Description: 1952 photo of 7 men, all members of the Squirrel Club--evidently, a social organization within the VFW with perhaps a service aspect to it like many other men's clubs.. The Squirrels "uniform" includes white shoes, white trousers with a stripe on the side, a decorative vest and a boat-shaped cap with a variety of insignia, decoration, and perhaps the cootie mascot (also on neckties). Location unknown.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Well Drillers
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- Date Created: 1935-1936
- Description: 1935 / 1936 photo of well drillers and well drilling machine.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Winooski, VT - American Woolen Mills Flag Raising
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- Date Created: 1917-04-14
- Description: April 14, 1917 flag raising at the American Woolen Mills in Winooski, Vermont. A large crowd is gathered for the event. On the left side is the speakers' stand. Several speakers addressed the crowd that day, no doubt praising the patriotism of the mill workers who raised money to purchase 3 American flags, but also trying to create enthusiasm for the war effort (the U.S. entered World War I on April 6, 1917). The 3 flags (very likely not those seen at the speakers' platform) were raised in front of the Champlain Mill, Mill No. 3, and the mill's main office. In the distance one can see the Winooski bridge, and the street corner is West Canal and Follett. (Photo 4 of five images that create a panoramic view when placed together.)
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Winooski, VT - American Woolen Mills Flag Raising
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- Date Created: 1922
- Description: 1922 flag raising at the American Woolen Mills in Winooski, Vermont. This could have occurred on July 4th or perhaps on Labor Day, when the mill sponsored a "Field Day" for mill workers and their families. The street seen here is very likely Follett St., with the Congregational Church at the top of the hill (upper left). (Photo 1 of five images that create a panoramic view when placed together.)
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Circus People
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- Description: Photo of a man of the circus dressed in a regular suit of clothes standing next to a large trailer. He may be afflicted with a form of Elephant man disease. May be 1940s-50s at the Champlain Valley Fair.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
McAllister Memorabilia
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- Description: Photo of a man sporting mutton chops style beard. Is this L. L. McAllister's father?
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits, families, unidentified
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- Description: A seated man and woman (husband and wife) and a boy (their son). Floral draperies seen behind.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits, groups, unidentified
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- Description: This rustic wooden paneled room in a restaurant is where a group of men and women gather for a group portrait. Burlington residents, Bob and Bea Earnshaw in second row far left side. Undated but may be 1950s. See also mcalA15F05i11 and i13
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs