Showing 211 - 212 of 212 Records
UVM - Fraternities - Lambda Iota
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- Date Created: 1953
- Description: Members of Lambda Iota fraternity, with house at 440 Pearl St., Burlington, Vt. (Same group as in mcalB19F27i02.) The stuffed owl (front row, center) is, apparently, Lambda's mascot. Several fraternities were photographed in the room seen here. Dated 1953. Photo #10.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
UVM Sororities - Delta Delta Delta
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- Date Created: 1953
- Description: Sisters of Delta Delta Delta sorority (residence: 143 So. Willard St.). This photo appears in the 1953 Ariel, the UVM student yearbook, on p.129.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs