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Showing 2121 - 2130 of 5371 Records

Betsey Verona Jagua to Ruth Fletcher\, [1855?] January [11?]
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    • Creator: Jagua, Betsey Verona.
    • Description: Topics include Betsey's continuing ill health, the death of Lemuel's and Matilda's son Carlos, the price of produce and stock, and a recent religious meeting and subsequent conversion of Betsey's husband.
    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

    Mary Harvey to Ruth and Andrew Fletcher\, 1855 February 19
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      • Creator: Harvey, Mary.
      • Description: Topics include the death of Mary's daughter.
      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

      Andrew Craig Fletcher to Ella Fletcher\, 1864 November 2 and Four Addenda
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        • Creator: Fletcher, Andrew Craig.
        • Description: Topics include lack of trade in St. Albans, his work in a store, and his plans to visit home.
        • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

        Andrew Craig Fletcher to Family\, 1865 February 13
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          • Creator: Fletcher, Andrew Craig.
          • Description: Topics include and invitation from Sarah and his family's health.
          • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

          Lemuel Colton\, Jr. to Ella Fletcher and Lemuel Colton to Andrew and Ruth Fletcher\, 1868 December 27
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            • Creator: Colton, Lemuel Jr., Colton, Lemuel.
            • Description: Topics include Lemuel Jr.'s school teaching and the death of Moses Shepard Colton.
            • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

            Marilla Smith to Henrietta Fletcher\, no year December 8
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              • Creator: Smith, Marilla.
              • Description: Topics include their baby, George, the death of Henrietta and Craig's baby, the upcoming wedding of George B. Smith and Lucy Brown, and her hopes to receive a letter from Henrietta.
              • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

              Catherine Smith to [Henriette Fletcher?]\, no year March 28
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                • Creator: Smith, Catherine.
                • Description: Topics include a letter from Edward, Henrietta's and family's escape from fire, and the activities of neighbors.
                • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                Catherine Smith to [Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher?]\, no year April 10
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                  • Creator: Smith, Catherine.
                  • Description: Topics include Catherine's recovery from a medical operation.
                  • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                  Catherine Smith to [Henrietta and Andrew Craig Fletcher?]\, no year June 19
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                    • Creator: Smith, Catherine.
                    • Description: Topics include Catherine's return to Malone from Manengo, her illness, and the death of her sister Lydia.
                    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                    Caroline Crane Marsh Diary, April 8 - June 14, 1863
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                      • Creator: Marsh, Caroline Crane, 1816-1901.
                      • Date Created: 1863
                      • Description: The Marshes explore Piobesi Castle and its gardens in this diary. George Perkins Marsh commutes from the castle to Turin to attend to diplomatic business and meets for a second time with King Victor Emmanuel. Caroline Crane Marsh continues to receive updates on the latest battles in the American Civil War, as well as the rising tensions between England and the U.S., France’s interference in Mexican affairs, and the “doings” of Richard M. Blatchford and J.C. Hooker in Rome. Topics in this diary include funerary practices in Italy, Catholicism and religious celebrations in Italy, the everyday experiences of the Italian peasantry, Italian marital norms, the behavior and treatment of women in Italy versus the United States, Italian medical practices, Italian agriculture, relations between the elites of Naples and those of Savoy, Turin court life and etiquette, and life as an expatriate in Italy.
                      • Parent Collections: Caroline Crane Marsh Diaries, Vermont Diaries