Showing 201 - 210 of 458 Records
Salvation Army
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- Date Created: 1948-1949
- Description: 1948-1949 photo of four young children standing with Maj. Elsie Russell of the Salvation Army in a presentation of some sort. The children each hold a toy. May be at 117 Cherry St., Burlington.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Salvation Army
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- Date Created: 1948-1949
- Description: 1948-1949 - Salvation Army children's class. Children of various ages hold what appear to be certificates. Perhaps certificates of completion of a summer vacation bible school? Location may be Cherry St headquarters in Burlington. Portrait of SA founder, "General" William Booth seen on the wall in back. Majors Ed and Elsie Russell, leaders of the mission ca. 1940-1951 are in the back row. Photo #2.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Trinity College - Groups
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- Date Created: 1947
- Description: 1947. Interior photo of a large group of children with mothers and caregivers, very likely part of Trinity College's interest in early childhood education and early diagnosis of developmental disorders. Childrens Day? Photo #1.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Trinity College - Groups
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- Date Created: 1951
- Description: 1951. Outdoor photo on steps of Mann Hall of a large group of children with mothers and caregivers, very likely part of Trinity College's interest in early childhood development and early diagnosis of developmental disorders. Childrens Day? Photo #2.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Christ the King School, Burlington
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- Description: Children with church clergy are assembled inside a church sanctuary or chapel for a formal first communion group portrait. The girls are in white dresses with veils. The boys are all in white suits. Photo taken in celebration of the Catholic sacrament of first communion. Photo #1. Undated. 1950s? Same group as mcalA09F05i26.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits, children, unidentified
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- Description: Large group of young children perhaps assembled for First Communion. Location is Mount St. Mary's Academy on Mansfield Ave in Burlington, Vermont.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits, children, unidentified
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- Description: Two young children seated in an upholstered chair. The older child sits on the arm of the chair while the younger baby sits leaning in the corner of the chair against her older sister. The baby wears a crocheted sweater and matching booties.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits, children, unidentified
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- Description: Helen Best of the First Congregational Church, Burlington, Vermont stands in the back to the left with a large group of what may be Sunday School children seated in folding metal chairs assembled in the lower level. Several other women (perhaps teachers) also stand in the back.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits, families, unidentified
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- Description: Group family portrait with parents and their nine children. Photo of Christ hanging on the wall behind. See also mcalA14F16i04 and mcalA14F16i08
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Queen City Park, So. Burlington
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- Description: Children and adults enjoy the beach along the shores of Lake Champlain at Queen City Park in South Burlington, Vermont.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs