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Showing 2031 - 2040 of +10000 Records

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    • Creator: Prospect Archives and Center for Education and Research
    • Description: The records consist of Prospect School teachers‚Äô weekly notes and semi-annual reports to parents about (Sean), plus, as available, notes of Descriptive Reviews about him and his work.
    • Parent Collections: Prospect Archive of Children's Work, (Sean)

    Jíaime mon petit flocon
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      • Description: Song text from VFC1998-0007 Martha Pellerin Collection. MS2008-3090 Yvonne Pellerin Songbook 1 of 4. Pp. 4-6.
      • Parent Collections: MS2008-3090 -- Yvonne Pellerin Songbook 1 of 4,Martha Pellerin Collection of Franco-American Song,Vermont Folklife Center Archives

      FÍtons le mardi gras
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        • Description: Song text from VFC1998-0007 Martha Pellerin Collection. MS2008-3090 Yvonne Pellerin Songbook 1 of 4. Pp. 22 -23.
        • Parent Collections: MS2008-3090 -- Yvonne Pellerin Songbook 1 of 4,Martha Pellerin Collection of Franco-American Song,Vermont Folklife Center Archives

        Mary Jean Simpson Diary, 1928
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          • Creator: SimpsonMaryJean, 1888-1977.
          • Date Created: 1928
          • Description: The common topics of daily life include church events and sermons; entertainment activities like attending plays, movies, VT town fairs, dinner parties, and learning to golf; and spending time with family and friends. Topics of wider interest include American politics specifically, the Great Vermont Flood of 1927 and Charles Lindbergh’s Goodwill Tour; women's groups’ meetings, and automobile and train travel. Topics in this diary include early 20th century health and treatment systems; social life in Washington DC including movies, theater, and operas; American politics; and women’s groups meetings.
          • Parent Collections: Diaries

          Mary Jean Simpson Diary, 1945
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            • Creator: SimpsonMaryJean, 1888-1977.
            • Date Created: 1945
            • Description: This short diary most directly was used for schedule keeping by Mary Jean, with various women’s club meetings, Pan-Hellenic dinners, and concerts being penciled in. The summer months contain some detail on visiting friends, going to church, dinner parties, and typical yard and house chores. In May Mary Jean mentions celebrating Victory in Europe Day, and in August she describes the thrilling and sobering experience of listening to President Truman announce Japan’s surrender. This diary ends shortly after Mary Jean experiences injury from a car accident. Topics in this diary include the end of World War II, Women’s groups, social and religious life in Vermont, and Automobile accidents.
            • Parent Collections: Diaries

            Vermont Quarterly 1995 Summer
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              • Creator: University of Vermont
              • Date Created: 1995
              • Parent Collections: University of Vermont Alumni Publications, Vermont quarterly, 1988-1995

              Vermont Quarterly 1995 Winter
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                • Creator: University of Vermont
                • Date Created: 1995
                • Parent Collections: University of Vermont Alumni Publications, Vermont quarterly, 1988-1995