Showing 11 - 20 of 39 Records
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- Date Created: 1442-11-06
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
The Book of the Confraternity of the Holy Name of Jesus
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- Date Created: 1500-1582
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Aucupatorium herodiorum, ex antiquorum philozophorum dictis per magistrum ebirhardum hitfelt collectum et translatum in laycum ydeoma.
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- Date Created: 1600-1699
- Description: This is probably a 17th c. copy of a 15th c. book on Falconry.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Vulgate Bible
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- Date Created: 1200-1250
- Description: Text is Jerome's prologue to Isaiah and Isaiah 1:1-3:3.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Vulgate Bible
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- Date Created: 1450
- Description: Text is Song of Songs (Song of Solomon) 3:3-8:7.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Book of Hours
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- Date Created: 1450-1499
- Description: Text is Psalms (Iuxta LXX) 123:6-124:5.
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Book of Hours
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- Date Created: 1400-1499
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Book of Hours?
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- Date Created: undated
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts
Copiosa discrittione delle cose di Cipro ed le ragioni in favore o contra diverse openioni
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- Date Created: 1578
- Description: In addition to the principle text, there is a prefatory epistle from Francesco Marcaldi to Scipione Bonleo (fol. 2).
- Parent Collections: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts