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Showing 18991 - 10000 of +10000 Records

Katherine Fletcher to Carrie Fletcher\, 1887 April 30
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    • Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
    • Description: Topics include a school reception she helped organize, preparing for her piece in the B exhibition, and encouragement for Carrie to try to get her teacher to like her.
    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

    Ida Barton to Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1887 June 22
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      • Creator: Barton, Ida.
      • Description: Topics include needing to give up her teaching position in Jeffersonville due to poor health.
      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

      Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1887 October 1
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        • Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
        • Description: Topics include activities at her boarding house, an evening jubilee with Fred Ober and friends, her schoolwork and grades, church functions and religious desires, the teachers at various local schools, her father's harsh language to her, and naming the baby Bessie.
        • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

        Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 December 18
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          • Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
          • Description: Topics include the completion of Katherine's dress, Andrew Craig's travels, the death and burial of a girl named Simmons, and social visits.
          • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

          Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1888 January 9
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            • Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
            • Description: Topics include raising money to pay for her board and tuition, the long hours she has been studying, and preparing her delivery of "The Chimes of St. Nicholas" for the graduation exercises.
            • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

            Joe [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 March 19
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              • Creator: [s.n.], Joe.
              • Description: Topics include his healed hand and resumed work at the mill, attending a reception, and his plans to visit Katherine in Jeffersonville the next Sunday.
              • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

              Carrie Carroll to Sheldon Prudential Committee\, 1888 March 30
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                • Creator: Carroll, Carrie.
                • Description: Topics include Katherine Fletcher's qualifications for a teaching position in Sheldon.
                • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                P.A. Powell to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 April 2
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                  • Creator: Powell, P.A.
                  • Description: Topics include the unlikelyhood of Katherine obtaining a post in the Essex school.
                  • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                  Isa Thorp to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 April [9]
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                    • Creator: Thorp, Isa.
                    • Description: Topics include sugaring, making her wedding dress, teaching positions for Katherine, joining the Lodge, and Katherine returning a dialogue.
                    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                    Lulu F.R. to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 April 26
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                      • Creator: R., Lulu F.
                      • Description: Topics include working in her brother's business, attending social and religious meetings, receiving the class letter, recollections of school days, local young people's Maying plans, and class photographs.
                      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family