Showing 181 - 190 of 415 Records
Portraits - Unidentified Groups
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- Date Created: circa 1945
- Description: Ca. 1945 photo of 5 men, 2 women, all employees, apparently, of an unidentified business. This is the same office seen in mcalB15F20i09.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Sheldon Academy of Beauty and Culture
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- Date Created: 1960-1961
- Description: 1960/1961. Sheldon Academy of Beauty and Culture located in Burlington, Vermont. Manicures being given.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Stores - IGA (Burlington, VT)
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- Date Created: 1936
- Description: 1936. (See mcalB18F20i03) Management team of Burlington Grocery Co., 47-49 Maple St., Burlington, VT. The Burl. City Directory listed the following administrative positions: Sam C. Blodgett, pres.; Edward F. Holbrook, vice pres.; and treas. William F. Holbrook.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Stores - S.S. Kresge (Burlington, VT)
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- Date Created: 1955
- Description: Window display at S.S. Kresge's at the time of their remodeling. Decorations anticipate harvest and Thanksgiving Day.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Burlington Streets: Riverside Ave.
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- Description: Undated photo (1929 or early 1930s?) of timber barrier constructed along embankment of Riverside Ave. Billboards are seen across the road. One advertises a new two-door sedan at a new lower price. To the right is the Fairview Garage filling station at 110 Riverside Ave.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Chittenden Trust Company - Interiors
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- Description: A view of the interior of the newly constructed Chittenden County Trust Company bank (123 Church Street & 173 College Street). Seen is the long steel counter supplied by McAuliffe's, an adding machine, overhead hanging chandelier lamps, a lone desk with telephone and the architecturally elaborate wall treatment. Undated but may be early 1930s.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Chittenden Trust Company - Interiors
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- Description: A view of the interior of the newly constructed Chittenden County Trust Company bank (123 Church Street & 173 College Street)looking toward the Church Street entrance. Seen is the the long counter, overhead hanging chandelier lamps, translucent ceiling panels, doorways behind the counter leading to inner offices and the architecturally elaborate wall treatment. Undated but may be early 1930s.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Memorial Auditorium, Burlington - Exhibitions
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- Description: Automotive exhibition at the Burlington Memorial Auditorium in Burlington, Vermont showing various automotive accessories and supplies sold by Yandow Tire & Battery Co. See also mcalB01F19i14
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Sewer Tile Construction Plant
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- Description: Undated but probably March 1937. This view shows the asphalt mixer scales, asphalt bucket, etcx85 used in weighting and mixing the concrete for the manufacture of the reinforced concrete sewer tile. All aggregates were heated in the dryer, screened into bins, and batched by weight. The water was also weighed in the asphalt bucket with the dial scales in the foreground. See also mcalA17F02i10
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Vermont Structural Steel
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- Description: Office of Vermont Structural Steel with engineers working at drafting tables. 1951.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs