Showing 171 - 180 of 228 Records
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- Date Created: 1948-1949
- Description: Dated 1948 / 1949. Photo of Machine cabinet closed.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
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- Date Created: 1948-1949
- Description: Dated 1948 / 1949. Photo of Machine cabinet with door open.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Manufacturing and Tool, Corp. - Interior
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- Description: Photo of interior of Manufacturing and Tool, Corp. showing various machines. 1940s?
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits - Individuals
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- Date Created: 1940s
- Description: Mid 1940s interior view of a large high tin ceiling room with sewing machines, a large central table and patterns attached to the wall
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Burlington City Hall
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- Date Created: 1937
- Description: This view shows our new Elgin Sweeper near Burlington City Hall after having gone through its demonstration ready for service. This street sweeper was delivered on April 13, 1937 and replaced the old Elgin which had given satisfactory service for fourteen years. City Hall Park with its elm trees is visible.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Penick and Ford (Marble Ave)
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- Description: Employees of Penick & Ford, a bottling plant, work on the assembly line packing bottles of Vermont Maid Syrup. Noted as being the country's third largest maker of corn products in 1931.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Penick and Ford (Marble Ave)
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- Description: View of a room with Cooper Bessemer machinery at Penick & Ford. Penick & Ford noted as being the country's third largest maker of corn products in 1931. See also mcalA12F14i06
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Vermont Structural Steel
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- Description: Steel beams, equipment and machinery seen in this interior view of a building at Vermont Structural Steel. Dated 1951.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Vermont Structural Steel
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- Description: Interior view of a building at Vermont Structural Steel with overhead machinery and a rail track seen to the left. Photo No. 28.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Vermont Structural Steel
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- Date Created: 1951
- Description: 1951 interior view of a building at Vermont Structural Steel with overhead machinery, a ground track system seen at the right and a metal ladder to the left. Photo No. 29.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs