Showing 161 - 170 of 1523 Records
Letter to Dr. Eli Todd, January 28, 1821
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- Creator: Crafts, Samuel Chandler, 1768-1853.
- Description: Topics include Austin radio broadcast on the air mail issue.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mary Collamer, February 4, 1844
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- Creator: Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865.
- Description: Topics include sit-down strikes; Court Bill hearings in the Judiciary Committee.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mary N. Collamer, February 17, 1844
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- Creator: Collamer, Jacob, 1791-1865.
- Description: Topics include Court Bill, President Roosevelt, and potential votes against the bill in the Senate.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, February 19, 1821
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- Creator: Crafts, Samuel Chandler, 1768-1853.
- Description: Topics include debate on the air mail issue; Democratic Whip Senator Lewis' entering of Austin's address before the Vermont Bar Association into the Congressional Record.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, February 12, 1821
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- Creator: Crafts, Samuel Chandler, 1768-1853.
- Description: Topics include Austin radio broadcast on the air mail issue.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Eunice Todd Crafts, February 6, 1819
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- Creator: Crafts, Samuel Chandler, 1768-1853.
- Description: Text of Speech
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Warren R. Austin letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, December 18, 1940
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Letter to daughter and son-in-law. Topics include Tariff Bill passed by Senate and sent to the President; efforts by Locofocos (Democrats) to oppose the Tariff Bill; Senate split on Tariff bill with twenty-five Whigs for, twenty Locofocos (Democrats) against, and five southern Whigs against, but Senator John Henderson (MS) was absent and Senator John Berrien (GA) did not vote; discussions about whether President Tyler will sign the bill what will happen if it is vetoed; treaty between Great Britain and the United States; Government band which plays in front of the Capitol every Thursday and at the Presidents on Saturday evenings; theatre performances; public gardens; Locofocos (Democrats) in Vermont.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, January 27, 1934
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Topics include speech by Senator Borah on the Big Navy Bill; bankruptcy bill; railroad bill.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, March 19, 1940
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Letter to wife. Topics include Kansas.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress
Letter to Mrs. C.G. (Ann) Austin, April 10, 1940
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- Creator: Austin, Warren Robinson, 1877-1962.
- Description: Letter to wife. Topics include constituent business.
- Parent Collections: Letters Home From Congress