Showing 141 - 150 of 478 Records
Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, [1887 June 4?]
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
- Description: Topics include Katherine's measles and sending things back and forth with Miss Barton.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 September [26]
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- Creator: Flagg, Mamie.
- Description: Topics include joining the church and the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, attending prayer meetings with boys, and exchanging photographs.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 September 8
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- Creator: Fletcher, Carrie.
- Description: Topics include her school, the birth of a baby in the neighborhood, and new shoes, stockings, and print dress (with enclosed sample of fabric).
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Invoice from D.C. Heath & Co. to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 October 1 and Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher
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- Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta., D.C. Heath & Co.
- Description: Topics include paying the enclosed invoice, Andrew Craig taking the cattle, and Carrie getting her dress.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
[Jennie Perry] to Katherine Fletcher\, [1888] February 10
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- Creator: Perry, Jennie.
- Description: Topics include her activities since graduation, her desire to teach in the summer, recalling an "episode" involving cars, and the illness of Mrs. Campbell.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Joe [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 March 7
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- Creator: [s.n.], Joe.
- Description: Topics include his hurt hand, town meeting in Johnson, VT, and recollections of good times with Katherine.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Tom [Guild] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 March 18
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- Creator: Guild, Tom.
- Description: Topics include going to balls, visiting female friends, the activities of former classmates, the possibility meeting classmate Bugbee in Minnesota and continuing west to Washington Territory, and Katherine's various male friends.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Tom [Guild] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 April 15
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- Creator: Guild, Tom.
- Description: Topics include Katherine's treatment of various young men, the possibility that she will go west, the activities and fortunes of various former schoolmates, his rehearsal of a play, recollections of when they were at Johnson State Normal School, and his chance to take a teaching position in a "graded" school.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
C.R. Thompson to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 May 10
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- Creator: Thompson, C.R.
- Description: Topics include his circumstances in Secor, IL, his personal habits, the advertisement he placed and to which Katherine responded, and a suggestion that she get a Post Office Box for their correspondence.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family
Joe [s.n.] to Katherine Fletcher\, 1888 June 15
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- Creator: [s.n.], Joe.
- Description: Topics include his hurt thumb, keeping the letters from Katherine that he had not burned, and his plans to visit her soon.
- Parent Collections: Fletcher Family