Showing 141 - 150 of 897 Records
Champlain Choristers
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- Date Created: 1948/1949
- Description: 1948/1949 photo of men's musical group, the Champlain Choristers, with piano and banner. Photo #2.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Christ the King Church
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- Date Created: 1953
- Description: 1953 gathering of parishioners from Christ the King Church, location unknown. Rev. Charles A. Towne is seated at the center of the table. Photo #1.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Civilian Conservation Corps
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- Date Created: 1935/1936
- Description: 1935/1936 photo of an athletic team of the Civilian Conservation Corps. Photo #5.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Congregational Church - Choirs
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- Description: Undated photo of an adult choir assembled in the sanctuary of the First Congregational Church. Photo may have been taken on Palm Sunday (note palm branches on altar). Photo #5.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
First Congregational Church - Organizations
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- Date Created: 1953
- Description: 1953 group photo of Rev. Charles Stanley and Mrs. Jones with several people including children, parents and older adults. Photo #1.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Fraternal Order of Eagles
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- Date Created: 1949
- Description: 1949 / 1950 photo of Santa Claus (wearing a costume mask) and a few male members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles standing next to a decorated Christmas tree. Photo #6.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Grand Lodge of Vermont (Masons)
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- Date Created: 1944
- Description: 1944 group portrait photo of members of the Grand Lodge of Vermont (Masons) assembled in front of a pastoral mural painting. McAllister belonged to a Masonic lodge in Winooski, Vermont.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Knights of Columbus
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- Date Created: 1945
- Description: 1945 photo of Knights of Columbus members standing dressed in tuxedos and wearing sashes. One member is a priest.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
MWA, 7628 (Modern Woodmen of America)
Image nop
- Description: Men and women of the MWA, 7628 (Modern Woodmen of America) 1930s? Photo #1. See also mcalA15F04i06
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Mary Fletcher Hospital - Staff
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- Date Created: 1950
- Description: 1950 photo of Mary Fletcher Hospital staff. Photo #11.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs