Showing 131 - 140 of 159 Records
Mount St. Mary's Academy - Miscellaneous
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- Date Created: 1955
- Description: 1955 photo of a young girl student standing outside with a nun and another woman.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Mt. St. Mary's Convent
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- Date Created: 1955
- Description: Sister of Mercy and student during a piano lesson. Dated 1955.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Mt. St. Mary's - Theatricals
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- Date Created: 1955
- Description: 1955 group photo of cast members of a theatrical production with a biblical theme. Four young women kneel and pose as if dancing holding arms over their heads. A stage setting curtain with many stars serving as scenery is seen behind. Photo #5.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Mt. St. Mary's Convent
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- Date Created: 1955
- Description: Ca. 23 women in the Sisters of Mercy community at Mount St. Mary's Sacred Heart Chapel : sisters (black veils), novices (white veils), and postulants (black tulle veils) in prayer in the choir of the chapel. Good example of Pre-Vatican II sanctuary, with the railing (where Communion is received); the altar built into the back wall of the sanctuary, requiring the priest to turn his back to the people; and the tabernacle placed centrally on the altar. Dated 1955.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Mt. St. Mary's Convent
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- Date Created: 1955
- Description: Photo designed (perhaps for promotional purposes) to show the three stages of a vocation to religious life with the Sisters of Mercy: postulant (black lace hairpiece); novice (habit with white veil); and sister (habit with black veil). Dated 1955.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits - Family
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- Date Created: 1955
- Description: 1955 group photo of several men and women gathered in a room. Four men in business suits are shaking hands. See also mcalB15F03i16 for another exposure with 1950 date.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Worker on tractor
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- Creator: Proctor Maple Research Center
- Description: 1955
- Parent Collections: Maple Research Collection
Collecting maple sap
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- Creator: Proctor Maple Research Center
- Description: Winter, 1955
- Parent Collections: Maple Research Collection
Bulletin of the University of Vermont vol. 52 no. 04
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- Creator: University of Vermont
- Date Created: 1955
- Parent Collections: University of Vermont Alumni Publications, University of Vermont bulletin, 1955-1966
Bulletin of the University of Vermont vol. 52 no. 08
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- Creator: University of Vermont
- Date Created: 1955
- Parent Collections: University of Vermont Alumni Publications, University of Vermont bulletin, 1955-1966