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Showing 1381 - 1390 of 5327 Records

George B. Smith to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1886 April 14
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    • Creator: Smith, George B.
    • Description: Topics include renting the house in (or near) Burke, N.Y.
    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

    Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher\, 1886 September 16
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      • Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
      • Description: Topics include her studies, not being able to come home on the weekend, eating better at her boarding house, and needing another dollar.
      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

      Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1886 November 7
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        • Creator: Fletcher, Carrie.
        • Description: Topics include recovering from her sore throat, local meetings, deep snow, and the purchase of a combination ironing board/wash bench/step ladder.
        • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

        Ruth Fletcher to Andrew Craig Fletcher\, 1887 February 16
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          • Creator: Fletcher, Ruth.
          • Description: Topics include asking Craig to visit and bring some money which they need.
          • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

          Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 February 18
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            • Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
            • Description: Topics include clothing purchases, family members' health, and a local concert.
            • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

            Katherine Fletcher to Carrie Fletcher\, 1887 February 19 and Katherine Fletcher to Henrietta Fletcher
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              • Creator: Fletcher, Katherine.
              • Description: Topics include Carrie using better spelling and punctuation in her future letters, Carrie's recent illness, a local musical production, a lecture on Naval battles, the founding of a preparatory school where Johnson State Normal School students teach, and difficulty raising money for Katherine's next term.
              • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

              Gertie Harrington to [Katherine Fletcher]\, 1887 April 12
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                • Creator: Harrington, Gertie.
                • Description: Topics include her failing eyesight and recollections from when they were schoolmates.
                • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                Henrietta Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, [1887 June 4?]
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                  • Creator: Fletcher, Henrietta.
                  • Description: Topics include Katherine's measles and sending things back and forth with Miss Barton.
                  • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                  Mamie Flagg to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 September [26]
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                    • Creator: Flagg, Mamie.
                    • Description: Topics include joining the church and the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor, attending prayer meetings with boys, and exchanging photographs.
                    • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family

                    Carrie Fletcher to Katherine Fletcher\, 1887 September 8
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                      • Creator: Fletcher, Carrie.
                      • Description: Topics include her school, the birth of a baby in the neighborhood, and new shoes, stockings, and print dress (with enclosed sample of fabric).
                      • Parent Collections: Fletcher Family