Showing 121 - 130 of 146 Records
Vermont Music Festival - Bands (Burlington, VT)
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- Date Created: 1952
- Description: 1952 school band poses in front of the west entrance of City Hall as participants in the Vermont Music Festival (Burlington, VT) Photo #10
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars - Ladies Auxiliary
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- Description: Undated photo of veterans' ceremony, perhaps on Veterans Day, at Battery Park, Burlington, Vt. The car dealership in the background now houses the Burlington Police Dept. The memorial stone and plaque--if it is the same one dedicated to Howard William Plant, first Burlington casualty of World War I--has since been moved to the southeast corner of the park, near the corner of Battery and Pearl Sts. A man playing trumpet (perhaps the same as in mcalB17F11i02), very likely "Taps," faces the memorial, which is enclosed by an iron fence, as other veterans and citizens salute or stand at attention.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
McLure's Student Band, Groton, VT
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- Date Created: 1950
- Description: 1950 photo of McLure's Student Band, Groton, Vermont assembled inside perhaps in the Burlington City Hall auditorium. May have been taken at the Vermont Music Festival. Photo #2.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
UVM - Jazz Band
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- Description: Jazz band at the University of Vermont, usually known as "The Catamounts." Ensemble consists of piano, bass, and drums; trumpets, trombone, and saxophones; and a quartet of singers. Room may be in the current Philosophy Dept. building on So. Williams St., which used to house the Music department until the early 1970s. Dated 1947. Photo #3.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Veterans of Foreign Wars - Ladies Auxiliary
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- Description: Undated photo of a ceremony at Battery Park in Burlington, Vt., near the small monument placed there in memory of Howard W. Plant, the first Burlington casualty of World War I. Several band musicians (who happen to be dressed like Canadian "Mounties") stand at attention while other attendees look on. Two women, very likely members of the Ladies Auxiliary, hold American flags, perhaps as "Taps" is being played (see mcalB21F19i04, which complements this scene). The event may have taken place on Veterans Day.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Portraits, groups, unidentified
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- Description: ROTC banners hang on the wall in the back of a large gymnasium type room. Crepe paper streamers festoon from the ceiling above a large group of men and women. Some of the men are in uniform. A group of musicians are seen on a raised band stand near the center of the room in the background.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Black Cat Cafe
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- Description: Five musicians stand near a small raised stage in the upper room at the Black Cat Cafe & Sea Grill once located at 160 Bank Street in Burlington, Vt. The iconic black cat symbol is seen in the center. Some of the names (of the performers?) can be seen; John and Jack.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Burlington High School Band
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- Description: 1961 Burlington High School band on the stage in the Edmunds High School building auditorium. Photo #1.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Burlington High School Band
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- Description: 1961 Cathedral High School? Drum major back left has "C" on uniform Photo #35
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Burlington High School - Orchestra
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- Date Created: 1955
- Description: 1955 photo of BHS orchestra under the direction of Mr. Lyman C. Hurd, III.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs