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Showing 11821 - 10000 of +10000 Records

Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey
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    • Creator: Veazey, Wheelock G., 1835-1898.
    • Date Created: 1863-02-11
    • Description: Topics include Wheelock worrying about his pregnant wife.
    • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Wheelock Graves Veazey Correspondence

    Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey
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      • Creator: Veazey, Wheelock G., 1835-1898.
      • Date Created: 1863-02-22
      • Description: A light hearted love letter to his wife, writing of her in the third person. Writes of a winter storm but of being comfortable in his tent, refers very indirectly using euphemisms about his wife's pregnancy, mentions George Eason, Mr. and Mrs. Tripp, refers to their baby as "her" baby, teases her about her behavior, (letter ends abruptly, remainder lost?).
      • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Wheelock Graves Veazey Correspondence

      Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey
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        • Creator: Veazey, Wheelock G., 1835-1898.
        • Date Created: 1863-03-15
        • Description: Wheelock inquires about doctor available to help with delivery of his & Julia's baby, asks when the due date of his baby is, wishes photo of Julia in cloak, Wheelock‚Äôs opinion about selling the newspaper [the Tel.], the location of the General [Stoughton ; who was kidnapped March 8th], capture of 4 rebels.
        • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Wheelock Graves Veazey Correspondence

        Wheelock G. Veazey to Julia A. Veazey
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          • Creator: Veazey, Wheelock G., 1835-1898.
          • Date Created: 1863-03-22
          • Description: Topics include Wheelock being given a Rebel puppy named Jeff, wants to keep him and bring him home, mentions looking thin in his standing photographs, prefers the sitting ones, expecting photos of his wife, Julia, in her new cloak, the return of one of the men that was taken prisoner with Gen. Stoughton, Richmond reported to be in "dismal" condition with financial problems, baby may be due in June, how when Wheelock returns home they will be a family of three.
          • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Wheelock Graves Veazey Correspondence

          Letter to Rufus and Sebra Towle
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            • Creator: Towle, Ransom W., d. 1864.
            • Date Created: 1861-11-25
            • Description: From Camp Griffen, Va. Topics include the health of the regiment (measles, Typhoid fever), requests for food, tea, clothing and the cold weather.
            • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Civil War correspondence of Ransom W. Towle and Thomas N. Flanders

            Ransom W. Towle to Rufus and Sebra Towle
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              • Creator: Towle, Ransom W., d. 1864.
              • Date Created: 1862-02-05
              • Description: Towle responds to his parents' letter that expresses low morale at home, financial difficulties at home and Towle encourages the doing without luxuries on the home front as much as possible. He writes of a 30 hour picket trip, the capture of rebel two scouts, drills being only two a day and of a self inflicted wounding of a Union soldier requiring amputation of the wounded soldier's leg.
              • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Ransom W. Towle Correspondence

              Ransom W. Towle to [Family and Friends]
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                • Creator: Towle, Ransom W., d. 1864.
                • Date Created: 1862-06-10
                • Description: Writing seven miles from Richmond topics include packing up camp and marching at 10pm, a terrible rain storm that soaked the men, of sick soldiers including Towle.
                • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Ransom W. Towle Correspondence

                [Henry Harrison Wilder] to Mother
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                  • Creator: Wilder, Henry Harrison.
                  • Date Created: 1861-12-11
                  • Description: Henry writes from Camp Griffin, Va of the regiment's scouting expedition, of Capt. Stowell's company, of obtaining two hogs from a pen, of the fact that the captain is not very liked and that Lt. Hamilton is well liked by the company. Cautions his mother against being bothered about hear say.
                  • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Henry Harrison Wilder Correspondence

                  Henry Harrison Wilder to Mother
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                    • Creator: Wilder, Henry Harrison.
                    • Date Created: 1861-12-17
                    • Description: Henry requests food items of sausages, a chicken pie, and cheese, writes that Merrill wants his mother to stuff 5 chickens, bake them and freeze them and send them in a box, of he and Merrill going to be tent mates.
                    • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Henry Harrison Wilder Correspondence

                    Henry Harrison Wilder to Mother
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                      • Creator: Wilder, Henry Harrison.
                      • Date Created: 1862-01-26
                      • Description: Topics include marching orders, the cold weather, and the way the regiment sets up their guns so they are always ready. The order to march probably refers to Lincoln's General War Order No. 1, an attempt to prod his generals to act. By "Chatilerz" Wilder may have meant "chattelers," or those assigned the duty of moving war materiel.
                      • Parent Collections: Vermonters in the Civil War, Henry Harrison Wilder Correspondence