Showing 91 - 94 of 94 Records
Mount St. Mary's Academy - May Crowning
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- Date Created: 1957
- Description: 1957 May Crowning participants in front of the crowned statue of the Virgin Mary in the Sacred Heart Chapel at Mount St. Mary's, Burlington.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Mount St. Mary's Academy - May Crowning
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- Date Created: 1957
- Description: 1957 photo of a young woman placing a crown on the statue of Blessed Virgin as part of the May Crowning ceremony. Photo #3.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
Trinity College - Groups
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- Date Created: 1956
- Description: 1956 photo of Trinity College students, perhaps members of a sodality or other honors group, gathered in chapel. Priest may be Fr. Barry E. Fontaine.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs
UVM - Chorus
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- Description: UVM Chorus, an all-women group in this photo (but in subsequent years, mixed). Director is Prof. Howard G. Bennett (front row, center) and the likely accompanist is Miriam N. Marston, Instructor (front row, 4th from right). Location is Ira Allen Chapel. This photo appears in the 1946 Ariel (UVM yearbook), p. 106, with all students identified by last name.
- Parent Collections: Louis L. McAllister Photographs